
Food group examples?

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I'm teaching a healthy eating class for children, and in my next lesson, i need to illustrate the food groups in a fun way. i was thinking that i would have stations with the different groups and examples of each food. however, i want it to be fun and not have just cliche foods. For example, for fruits, rather than just put an apple there, i wan't something a fruit smoothie..i dont know. Does anyone have any ideas?

Thank you!




  1. try showing a fruit and nut trail mix, thats 2 food groups

  2. banana

  3. This is what I did for my Girl guides one year. I cut out every picture i could find of single item foods (nothing like a casserole or anything that combined a lot of foods to make one), I categorized them into the food groups according to the Canada food guide, and then I put each group of food pictures in a separate paper bag. I bought Cheap paper plates and each child, one at a time took an item from each of the bags and glued it to their plate, and called it a 'meal'. Some of the 'meals' were kind of wacky, but in the end they were really interested in the foods that they had chosen, and some even tried them at home. This may be a little simplistic for you, as I am not sure just how old your kids are, but it was fun for us. Another thing we did with the Girl Guides was have a contest where each week they would HAVE to taste a new food to stay in the running for the prize at the end. I was doing this for my Guide group, but soon the younger groups wanted to taste the new foods too. It was a riot. We tried everything from baby spinach, which surprised a lot of the kids because it actually tasted good, to blue cheese which I wouldn't wish on my worst enemy now. It was so sweet seeing the youngest kids eat the food and making the older girls look silly. Hope these two ideas help you some.
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