
Food when school starts??

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Last school year this is how my eating usually went:

No breakfast or anything just some juice in the morning

No lunch just a very small snack (1/2 a granonla bar or something)

Eat something when I got home from school


Snack like a granola bar really late at night (like 11 or midnight) so that I wouldn't be so hungry in the morning

I deff. want to change my eating this year at school.

I don't eat breakfast because I am not good at getting up in the mornings and I am not hungry and I don't have time to eat.

Our school lunch is nasty and when I would bring something like a granola bar I would share it with my friend

Does anyone have any ideas to help me with my eating habits during the school year?? Thanks!!




  1. eat an apple or banana in the morning and take like 3granola bars to school one for lunch one for snack and one for your friend

    that would be a little better and you really need to eat something in the mornigh

  2. I don't like to eat in the morning either, but when I do, I have a better day.  Nutritionally, it is really a good habit to be in, gets the metabolism going, gets the brain running.  Eat less at night and you will sleep better.

  3. You need to bulk up so you don't get picked on by the school bullies.  You sound like you would be an easy target with your eating habits.  Eat more protein.

  4. In the morning, it would be good to eat a cereal bar, or a fruit or something. Bananas and apples are easy to eat on the go and will go a long way for making your day more productive. Put orange, apple, or grape juice or water in a bottle and drink it on the way in. Paper travel cups are not too hard to come by, so you can throw it away when you get to school.

    If you have time in your morning, try to pack a lunch for yourself. If you refrigerate food at night and pack it before you leave, it should stay fresh. Sliced fruits with a splash of lemon juice will keep well for a few hours. Pastries and baked goods will not spoil quickly, donuts, cupcakes, muffins, and jelly rolls will keep for a whole day. Since you seem so fond of granola bars, keep bringing them to lunch. They're really good for you.

    Eating later than midnight is unadvised, but 11 is alright. Make sure to keep it light, you cannot burn excess carbs during sleep, which causes weight gain, and morning drowsiness.

    Hope I have helped, and good luck getting well fed this year. If you have any more questions, contact me. My info is in my profile.

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