
Football Hates?

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What is the one thing that annoys you most while watching football?




  1. ad breaks at a crutial time, like when theres 45secs left and the game is very close.

  2. when my dad changes the channel while someones going for goal

  3. In AFL, when they start a brawl, they only slap each other and then go off crying. At least in NRL, the players actually throw punches and cause blood.

  4. If this means soccer then I hate when some team thats really good plays really awfully in a game.

  5. when my beer glass goes empty or someone finishes the salsa

  6. Bruce McAveney and Umpires in general.  Bruce should tone it down a bit.  When he gets excited (or pretends to be excited re a goal about to be kicked or something) you would swear the Aliens had just landed such is the extent of his "wonderment".

  7. nothing im a oakland raider fan
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