
Football issues please help...?

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Before answering this, read some background about my whole football issue, check this out:;_ylt=AiEzQXVexiWK9Esg.dZVKufsy6IX;_ylv=3?qid=20080624191331AAqAtXC;_ylt=AtEExG2qf0l3fYbq7DQ5w6Hsy6IX;_ylv=3?qid=20080623210859AA3bFL4Aight, this is my third day of summer practice (i stucked out on the spring practice for one month)...Yesterday, I talked to the coaches about quitting...they are like no, ur not gonna quit cuz' ur gonna be a quitter in ur whole life..i told my dad and he said no pain no gain and then he dropped me off...I was all pumped, after weightlifting we ran...out of nowhere I became so exhausted that..I stopped running, stepped on the sidelines grabbed my bag and walked away...I don't know what my teammates and coaches were thinking that time...1 teammate was like stay here, i sat on the benches and tears started flowing down..i called my dad and i was like dad i walked away.

what should i do now




  1. I currently play football and had the same issue... I quited 3 times before sticking with it. For people like us, we don't naturally love football, but eventually it will grow on you and you will love it.. For me I couldn't sit on the bleachers and watch the game because I was so hyped, I would literally go crazy... so my freshman year I tried it for the fourth time... and now you cant get me off the field.... don't worry if you really love football... it will grow on you...

  2. If you quit football it won't necessarily make you a quitter for life.  However, you have to decide why you're quitting.  If you don't think the reward is worth the hardwork and effort, then maybe you do want to quit.  Just becareful that you are not quitting because it is hard.  Most things in life that are rewarding are hard.

    If you love the game and really want to play, stay. If you really don't care that much, walk away.

    Good luck.

  3. hey man that's tough you should do want you want

    Football puts your body through major stress but my advice would be to take a few days off and then come back again and if the coaches are still angry at you then tell them to suck it and just leave if you really want to

  4. i played football and yes it is hard at times but when it is hard that is when you find out how much you really want to play.

    it is not always about the games

    it is about how you get there and this is the time to work and  do the tough work so you will be ready to get the job done when the season starts

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