
Football or rugby??

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what do you prefer?personally i prefer football but have friends that love rugby....also whats your tipple while watching it?mine is a jd and coke please!!




  1. I prefer playing football but watching rugby, although the way the Scarlets are playing this season, I am seriously considering switching my aligence to Llanelli AFC who are doing well in the league and the cup, are half the price to get into see and have a better club house. That just shows what a difference good managment off the field makes to a club.

    I prefer playing football but watching rugby.

    You're better off having your JD neat, as coke doesn't do the inside of a hipflask any good at all.

  2. RUGBY union of course

  3. rugby is a mans sport and more interesting to watch , footie is a bunch of pansies running up and down a pitch. (my sis plays rugby too so not exact a mans sport)

  4. id say footy but like rugby 2. drink = anythin with alcohol in it


  6. Rugby, Rugby, Rugby and if time permits more Rugby - Union of course.  While watching I become very animated and swing, sway, duck and dodge across the couch and in a tight match  have been known to pace the floor and thump veranda posts urging my favourites up to the winning podium.

    Of course being an old Aussie, I drink lots of Rum (Bundaberg) and coke.  Steak burgers from the "barby" pre-game and cheese platters post-game

  7. rugby all the way, i love the guys that play it! i like haegen daz belgian chocolate ice cream while watching ruggers!

  8. I am with you on the JD and coke, though I prefer a diet coke and lots of ice...............I like to watch footie, but love the rugby.......far more entertaining and less diving, rugger players play rather than act and don't surround the ref demanding penalties and red cards!

  9. Fitba

  10. far.

  11. Rugby (either code)....played by tough men. In football you only have to touch a player (with Ronaldo, not even that) and he's writhing on the floor in agony.Football is rapidly becoming a non-contact sport (like basketball) the 50s/60s you could shoulder you'd get booked for it. Footballers are (vastly) over-paid wusses.

  12. rugby and while watching i love to have a take away. usually pizza and chips i also will have a red bull or kick because it makes you go hyper and the game is more fun to watch

  13. Both! I grew up in a family that loved and played both sports - I really enjoy watching the footy and both codes of rugby.  And as for my chosen tipple for watching the game, well, it's got to be an icy cold beer!


  15. Rugby. I had the privlidge of playing both. Rugby is constant motion and really combines the best of all sports. The common statistic of football is in a whole football game there is only 6 1/2 minutes of actual play.Rugby is 60 minutes of action out of the whole 80 minutes (easily). I do think you need to understand the rules of Rugby to enjoy watching (like most sports)

  16. Rugby!



  17. RUGBY

    SORRY footballers get payed way to much for retending t get hurt

    at least when someone gets hit in rugby they bloody well know it

    tipple southern comfert and coke

  18. I could be a smart alec here and say that rugby is a kind of football, but I usually use "football" for soccer, and "rugby" for rugby football.

    I prefer rugby, probably in spite of the fact that in Scotland, soccer smothers everything else. I find rugby more interesting - both kinds, league and union - because there's a lot more variety in it. I guess that's what makes it harder to get into though. With football, I either think a game is exciting or dull, with rugby, games can be exciting or watchable, but rarely dull! Also, I've never been able to play football, but was in a small town rugby side for a while.

    A lot of people think that rugby is a toff's game. Not so - at least not everywhere. Tell that to a Scottish Borderer, or someone from NZ, or the Welsh Valleys. In all these areas, it's a working class game as well. Rugby might bear the name of a private school, but modern Association Football was also developed by private schools (such as Charterhouse) and Oxbridge - but we don't hear that so often do we? (The game called "football" in the middle ages, was much closer to rugby and American football anyway!)

    p.s. I drink beer while watching it, but no lager please!

  19. i do enjoy football but compared to Rugby league and Rugby union there is  less commitment and passion also i think there is more of a team ethic required in Rugby. i love to drink Guinness when i am watching sport.

  20. this question is asked way to much!!! stop asking it!!! I love rugby by the way and when i'm watching a match I don't laze around and stuff my face I stand up screaming at the referee!!!

  21. Rugby always, but I do enjoy Football too - specially when you have two top teams playing or in the EPL when the Man U are in the field.

  22. Rugby, hands down.

    Rugby Union is both fun to watch and play.

  23. rugby is so much crazier than football.

    we get absolutely NO protection, and you have to throw backwards....

    I have no idea why rugby isn't that popular in america...

  24. Union.  And with union comes beer.  And with beer comes brilliant ideas like 3am street rugby.  Yup.  Union forever!

  25. Rugby all the way!

  26. rugby by a mile

  27. Rugby.

    My tipple - scotch, or meths, if they don't have that. ;)

  28. Rugby

    I like Football, but mostly the World Cup.

    Beer for me

  29. rugby union, football sucks... also vodka straight

  30. Rugby by a mile.  I have watched the round ball game at many levels and I just can't see the attraction.  Nice hair, though.

  31. Rugby (Union).
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