
For Mothers who Choose Closed Adoption?

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Is this intended to be forever or is there an option to reunite later in life?




  1. Are you talking about natural mothers or adoptive mothers? There are so many choices with agencies now that I believe it's really up to the natural mother (hopefully the adoptive parents will go along with what she chooses throughout the child's ife). My adoption agency is an open adoption agency but some natural mothers still request closed adoptions or semi open. There are agencies that only do closed adoptions so I assume that if this is not what the natural mother wants, she would go with a different agency. One that advocates open adoption.

    I'm not familiar with what they do in private adoptions and not an advocate of private adoptions.

  2. My son was adopted from foster care at the age of 2-1/2. That was four years ago. He occasionally asks questions about his birth mother but I am usually the one to mention her in conversation. There are no secrets; he knows he was adopted and I don't ever try to make him "forget" where he came from or that he didn't have a mother before me. If he decides to search for his birth mother when he is 18, I will help him do it. Am I 100% comfortable with it? No, but it is *his* history, not mine.

  3. I'd love for him to find me but if he chooses not to, I'm ok with that too.  I am not part of his life or his family.

  4. It depends on if you still have connect or if the agency still has connect with the birth mother.  As  I had a friend who thius, and she doe snot want ot knoe where her child is because she believes that it is for the best.  I am looking for a semi open adoption myself butr my husband and I are open to anything because it truly is the birth mom/birth dads rights and decision

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