
For Those Who Don't Recycle...?

by Guest31648  |  earlier

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I live in Southern Ontario Canada, just moved here from Northern Ontario. I've noticed since being here that many people don't have a recycle bin outside on recycle day, even though the city picks it up. I just wondered, for those of you who don't recycle, why not? What are your reasons?

Who agrees with me that recycling should be a bylaw enforced in every city?

Thanks in advance!




  1. You answered your own question.  Why not?

    Who agrees with me that recycling should be a bylaw enforced in every city?

    When it was something good to do, I did, when it became a demand by a government that is the biggest waster of everything the world has ever know?    


    You catch far more fish with bait than you do with sticks and clubs.

  2. I disagree, because things shouldn't ever get to the point where they need to be recycled.  That is in itself wasteful.  We should be working to reduce the quantity of both recyclable and non-recyclable waste.  If i recycle a can, it needs to be transported, sorted, crushed, melted down and reconstituted, and it has already been transported from the wholesaler and the shop and the metal has ultimately been refined in a most ungreen manner from bauxite.  If i had reused a bottle and made my own cola from raw materials, which in fact i do, i avoid all of that environmental damage.  When that bottle is worn out, i will probably use it as a cloche.

  3. No recycling shouldn't be a law.  It should be illegal to have the gvmt remove your trash.

    My trash removal is done by a company I hire, that I selected out of over a dozen companies.  I chose my company because they go through my trash, separate the recyclables and then they sell them for a profit.  This keeps my bills down and their profits up.

    Capitalism is a great thing.

  4. I don't recycle because I am certain there will be a day when I am forced to. I am trying to enjoy my last days of freedom.

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