
For all you rugby players?

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When I play rugby, I do as others and smear Vaseline across my ears to prevent cauliflowers. The only problem I have is, that as it is petrol based and waterproof, I cannot wash it out in the shower and still find it in the creases 2 - 3 days later.

What is the best way to remove it all properly?




  1. I would think that a little vaseline in your ears wouldn't present much of a problem for a rugger all things considered.

    Hawkeye's advice is good, try tape or a scrum cap.  When I played I prefered a scrum cap.  I took a bit of abuse from my teammates but I didn't care, my ears are in fine shape now (too bad I can't say the same about my back).

    I played lock and flanker.

    P.S. - a scrum cap doesn't protect your head, it protects your ears.

  2. scrape it away with your finger nail, it probably sounds weird but at least it works, I have to do it every match cause i play second row, gently scrape it with your finger and the vaseline will catch under the nail, then put your nail under running water or wipe it with a towel.

  3. why is it a problem?  at least you have instant lube whenever you need it!  

    i wear a scrumcap sometimes too- but i hate it.  it chokes me sometimes and makes me gag- and its hot, especially in south carolina in the summer!!!   i prefer to tape my ears with pre-wrap and then either elecrical or medical tape.  however, the scrum cap also helps combat the chaffed, exfoliated, mud enfused cheeks that you get from the prop/ hookers' shorts by adding a little more space and protection.

  4. As for the removeal I would try q-tips, think they sould work

    I personally think that there are way better products than vaseline like a srume cap often refered to as just head gear, if not that than some electrical tape.

    I had some firends that used vaseline and it did not realy do them much good the the tape did good and the head grear did great, plus th head gear did provide some head protection.

  5. i find not partaking in any scrums at all costs helps me keep my ears real perky and whole.

  6. Try taping your ears instead.  Use pro-wrap so the tape isn't stuck to your hair etc and then use something like electrical tape to hold it on.  Or just buy a scrum cap.  They are both far better options than Vaseline which gets rubbed off on your team mates shorts and jerseys or on the opposition in the scrums.  Vaseline gets wiped off the important parts and ends up in all the little area's that don't even need it.

    There is no easy way of cleaning off Vaseline without using a non water based cleaner.... and you DEFINATELY do not want to be using those kinds of cleaners around you face!!!

    A scrum cap is probably the best option.  They do next to nothing for concussions, which is what a lot of people think they are for.  They are actually for protection from cuts, scrapes and the old cauliflower ears.

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