
For current college students....?

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How often do professors use textbooks in class? All 5 of my classes require textbooks, but right now I don't have enough money to buy all of them at once. Will being without a book the first week or so damage me. The professors seem to all have powerpoints and notes online for the chapters so far. Will they need to see textbooks in class. Thanks!




  1. It depends on the professor. If you just don't have the money, I guess you don't have too many options. If any of the books are lab manuals, buy those first because you will probably be expected to bring those to the lab with you.

    Most professors would expect you to do the reading outside of class. If this is the case, buy the book before the test because even if they aren't asking if you read they still may put questions on the test that were in the reading but not the lecture.  Last semester, three of my four professors spent part of the first class complaining about the poor quality of the textbooks. One didn't actually assign one, another most tested on the lecture, and the other still pulled things from the book for the tests.

    Many students don't buy the book until they go to class, sometimes they will tell you you don't really need it. I know the prices stink and you don't always use them, but it can be hard to tell until the first test to see if they only care a bout what's covered in the lecture. Buy the lab books like I said, and then buy any of the books for the harder classes that you think you could use the support on.

  2. the first time u have ur classes u will not need them. but after the first time, u will surely need them. one semester is short, so they kind of give u exercise and assignments which are sometime bases on the chapter of ur book. if u have prob of money u may want to talk to a counselor, they will find a way to help u, like u may pay later for ur book if u are applying for financial aids.

  3. That really depends on the prof and the type of class. A lot of my math and science classes required using the book for assigned homework that was required with every class.  You might be better off finding someone who took the class last semester to ask if the prof used the book a lot.  I would guess you would be alright until the first test, but then you would probably have to cram to study for the test.

    I had a lot of luck getting textbooks online from somewhere like or  Also, sometimes the professor will have a copy of the book you could borrow for a while.

    Good luck.

  4. ask them BEFORE your classes start if they happen to be there or ask them betwen their office hours or by appointment. get your books quick!!!!!

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