
For ladies who have had abortions?

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i was just wondering, do you regret your decition or do you think you made the best choice? personally im against abortions (but that doesnt mean i judge youif you have) but i have friends who have had abortions, some say they made a big mistake but others just get on with it. so i was wondering what the majority of you feel like after? thanks for you answers x




  1. I don't think about it as a mistake - I was relieved more than anything

    It wasn't a difficult decision to make for me - I had already decided this is what I would do if I got pregnant.

    Like anything else in life, its what you make of it.

  2. i had one when i was 16, i admit i was young and stupid then and was with a boy who back then i thought i would spend the rest of my life with. He used to beat me up and drank all the time and i knew my child would not have had a good life because of this.  I was still at school and wouldnt have been able to provide for the baby and give it a good life. I then went on to go to uni and got a degree in design and am going on to be an interior designer.  Im with the right person now and have a 16 week old daughter. I dont regret it, if i had kept the child my life would have been very much different, it would have been a mess and the child would have had a rubbish life because of the father. Now i will have a good job and can give my family everything that they deserve.  I dont think its fair that people judge when they dont understand the situation!

  3. tell her to watch this

    this should make her think twice before killing an unborn baby. she should have used a comdom.

  4. I have had one. and no I did nor do I regret it.  It was what needed to be done for me at the time.

  5. I had my daughter when I was 15, and 2years later I fell pregnant again, I was in a violent relationship and knew that I couldnt bring a child into that, so I had an abortion, at the time I felt relieved but a few days later I miscarried the baby that Id been told had been terminated, I regretted it from that moment on and that was 6 years ago. I am forever thinking was it a boy or girl would it look like its sister, I wrote a diary for the first few years about how I felt because I found it very hard to deal with x

  6. My sister had an abortion but i dont think she regrets it! She was too young and wouldnt have been able to support her baby! My friend had one too, and that was because she had just had a little boy...... I think it depends on the circumstances.....

  7. I think abortion depends on your circumstances, your friend has been stupid getting pregnant again in the first place if she knows very well she doesnt want it. she obviously knows the outcome of unprotected s*x. How ever my friend had an abortion at the age of 13 years old which i think is completley acceptable because she was still a child her self and her mind was prob made up for her. she is in her 20's now and even she regrets havin the abortion, she has another son but it stays on her mind and she mentions it sometimes

  8. Had one at 16 when I was homeless at the time I regretted it, 4 years on I've no regrets and am glad I did as I wouldn't be where I am now.

  9. I always disagreed with abortions, however i got myself pregnant at the age of 21.  I was a live in nanny and the man i had met was not who i thought he was!!!

    My mum dragged me to have an abortion.  I cried for weeks, months..  I dont think i could ever have forgiven her pushing me into getting rid of my baby!!!

    Im now 34i have 2 lovely kids and if i had had that baby my life wouldnt have panned out like it has.  

    Looking back although it was difficult i can see it was probably the best thing that could have been done.  However if i was to get pregnat now i could never go through an abortion again.

    Having an abortion is one of the hardest descions of a womens life, support your friend dont judge her, she'll need your support and friendship.

    I wish her well

  10. I had one when I was 17, I don't regret it cos I would never have done the things in my life if I hadn't, changed countries, met my husband etc .  I'm now pregnant at 40 & keeping it !! I do wonder sometimes what it would be like to have a child that would be an adult today though.

  11. i think abortion is the same as killing - you can have the baby and put it into a foster home as there are plenty of couples who cant have children

  12. My sister had an abortion and she doesn't regret it. Sometimes she wonders what it would be like, would it be a girl or boy? would it look like her or the dad etc. She has made the right choice in my eyes and i am very proud of her becoming the young women she is today, at school, going on to college and basically just getting on with her life and having fun. this doesn't always happen though. some people regret their descision and find it hard to carry on.

  13. A close friend of mine had one 22 years ago.  She has never regretted it.

    And if you ARE against abortions, then you ARE judging those who do have them.

  14. i regert it badly

    i am totally against it now

    it was the wrong thing to do, i thought taking that tablet wud get rid of all my problems, but as soon as i had took it i cud see i had no problems at all but somthing so wondering and beautiful about to happen and the answer to my problems was to have this baby as it wud of had a great life and so would i of

  15. Two of my friends have had abortions, both regret it, but one does morethan the other.  After she did it she warned me never to do it, she still really regrets it.  The other friend does regret it, but not as much.  She sometimes sits and thinks to herself what would've happened if she'd kept her baby, how things would be different etc.  So in that sense she does regret it when she thinks about it.

    I'm against abortion anyway, but going on my friends' experiences just solidifies my feeling on the subject.

  16. I have have had an abortion but it was one of the hardest things that I ever had to do. I am pro abortion but not as a birth control method. I firmly believe that it should only be used as a last resort because let's face it..accidents DO happen. I believe that a decision like this should be well thought through because it's not an easy thing to deal with. My reasoning for having an abortion was ultimately made because I am already a single mother. I had my son when I was 16 and although I love my son dearly, if I could do it over again I would do it the right way and wait. Babies are not easy, they don't come with instructions and every single stage in their lives comes with hardships that you're responsible for helping them fix. At the time that I found out I was pregnant again I was in a relationship that was going on 5 years but with a guy who was not serious about me although I was hopelessly in love. Always had been. but when I gave him the news he had the nerve to ask me if it was his. This was a devastating question for me. That alone let me know that this would not be a healthy life for ANY of us. I know already what it's like to be a single mother. I         know how emotional devastating it is for all parties involved and I now know the effects that it can have on a child even with your best intentions. The thing is that with some kids it doesn't affect them too much, but with others they can have emotional and psychological problems you never dreamed of. My son happens to be part of the few that are affected. Not only did I have the emotional stress of being in a relationship that was doomed to fail but I was still struggling to come up in the world and accomplish my career goals. This is hard enough with one, let alone two. It's not healthy to bring a child in the world that you can't support or devote most of your time to. You don't want the day care to raise your child for you. It's not fair for child and it's not fair for you. Knowing everything I had already endured and foreseeing what would happen if I had kept the baby I knew that even though I could have the baby and give it all my love and go through the joys of having a child again it ultimately would be more negative than good. As hard as it was, I know it was the right decision now. I think your friend needs to be real with herself. I don't know her situation but the decision should be made on what will be best for her, the twins she already has, the father (if he's even involved), but most importantly the child that will be brought into the world. I know that I never would have been able to forgive myself knowing that I brought a child into this world that wouldn't get a fair shot at life. A fair shot to be happy and normal. Without hardships and struggles that would be gone under normal circumstances. Sorry my answer is so long but I really hope that it helps your friend.

  17. I took the abortion pill years ago when I was too young to have a baby and in the wrong relationship. I didn't have the full operation thing, just a pill that caused lots of pain and bleeding. The doctors said I was only about a week pregnant. Since then I have had a son who is now 4 and a half and am 36 weeks pregnant with my second child. I don't regret my decision all though years ago as I was so early on in the pregnancy. I really don't agree with this country's up to 24 or is it 26 weeks abortions. I think pregnancy's are far too progressed by then and I wouldn't of had one if I had gone over 4 weeks personally. I also think your feelings towards abortion are considerably different before you have had your own children too. Until you feel that amazing love and pride of your own creation, your child; I don't think you look at it the same way after that.

    Hope my experience helps.

  18. i had an abortion at 17 i still often wonder what he/she would have been like i do regret it a litte but i was 17 i had nothing to offer a baby and didnt want to be a sponge off the social, i know i was stupid to get pregnant in the 1st place, i am now 33 have a little boy, i wouldnt go through with an abortion again if i got pregnant, women who have abortions shouldnt be judged it depends on what the circumstances are at the time, but its not easy for anyone who has to go through that,

  19. I think it must be the hardest decision anyone would have to make. I haven't had one and  wouldn't but i understand some people have their reasons.

    I agree its not the best thing and I also agree with the foster care argument however you have to look at each case as an individual and also think of the physical and psychological repercussions of carrying that baby for 9 months then giving it up. Or the danger to the unborn baby if the mother is in a violent relationship or mentally uncapable to look after herself.  I am however TOTALLY against abortion as a contraceptive!!

  20. I regret every single day having had an abortion but at the time it was what needed to be done.....I was 16 and i stuffed around after my mum died...I was homeless, and wasnt in a situation health wise or financially to raise a child...

    I now have 4 absolutley gorgeous children whom i love dearly and always will....

    I always think about the child that i no longer have and think what he/she would have been like...

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