
For my final in education?

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I wanted to if anyone knows what are the critical factors for children in learning a second language? early childhood





  1. According to the National Network for Early Language Learning:

    Young children are at an optimal time to learn other languages.

    Children in effective early second language programs show gains in standardized tests of basic skills, and derive additional cognitive and affective benefits.

    The integration of content and language learning occurs easily as does the development of positive attitudes towards people who speak other languages and represent other cultures when long sequences of language study are an integral part of early schooling.

    Early language learning results in improved literacy skills. Reading and writing processes are similar for first and second languages. Skills and strategies are transferable for first to second language and vice versa. Well-constructed elementary world languages curriculum will positively influence literacy skills in both first and second language learning.

    Improved second language learning capability for elementary students can best be obtained with uninterrupted, well-sequenced, long-term language instruction

    (See sources)

    My own experience as an English as a Foreign Language teacher: younger children, if taught properly, do really well with a foreign language and will learn it more quickly when they're younger (Pre-K and K) because that's the age they learn languages.

    As far as "Critical Factors," I assume you mean the important things to look out for when teaching...not is it a good idea?  (Please clarify if I'm wrong)  

    I would say:

    --Teacher Talking Time kept to a minimum.  You want the students to speak.

    --"Set" dialog is ok to a point.  But it's very important that students learn how to "ad lib" as well and think on their feet.

    --Reading is extremely important.  If you can read the language, you can go much further.  So be sure to include some sort of phonics and reading into the curriculum.

    --Songs and games are fine if they're used to add to the curriculum.  Too often, people think if they just sing songs and play games with the children, they will learn English.  The songs and games need to be used as a tool - not as the entire tool truck.

    That's what I can think of off the top of my head.  If you have any more specific questions or if I did not answer your question well, feel free to post more information.


  2. Speaking three languages; English is not my native language; I would say having a parent who speaks the language to you daily helps, but being exposed too, and living in the country itself is the most effective way to learn another language at any age.

    If the child does not come from a bi-lingual household I see no reason  however to teach another language, other than maybe sign language, until the child expresses an interest in doing so.

    If they have friends that speak another language you may ask the assistance of the friends parents, and you can learn together.

  3. ,Communication opportunities(listening and speaking) and providing experiences for the learner to think about, which expands on communication...are critical factors for learning any language.

  4. why not? we are now trying to teach babies sign language, and many families already speak a different language at home. it is reported that if a person is not exposed to a second language by the age of 12 then they will have a hard time trying to learn on by high school. (which is where we are required to pass a second language class).  good luck with your paper.

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