
For my funeral.......?

by  |  earlier

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would it be possible to drain my blood and fill my body with chewing gum so i go all weird and shrivelled

also would it then be mean to have a springloaded coffin and have the people i hate in the front row?

i think it would be quite funny

also ur all invited to my funeral




  1. lol that would be cool! : D

    oh, so wheres the funeral? you can email me the adress and stuff : P

    i think ill just cut open your skin, and start chewing the gum if you know what i mean ; O cause i love gum

    sure why not, have the people you most hate in the front row, when they come to look at your body choke them and take them 8( i forgot) feet down in the ground with you  : P

    lol funny girlll  

  2. Can I wear all BLACK.....????

    Let me know when & to attend....take this as my RVSP.

    SEE YOU THERE!!!!!!!!!

  3. ok thanks, I cant beleive that you seem so excited to die.

    thanks for the invite but I think that I'll pass.

    and no I dont think that it will be possible to drain your blood and fill your body with chewing gum

  4. I don't see why not. I would come and take pictures of their faces when you popped out.

  5. I'm gonna bring my friends, and we're gonna dress up as the Seven Dwarves, and we're gonna take you away! >=D

  6. you need to get out more lol to my frunal everyone is coming in fancy dress and i am going to be sleeping beauty lol
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