
For those who believe in ghosts...?

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If your house is being haunted, even by a good ghost, do you think that it's unethical to just let it hang around? If a ghost alerts you of it's presence, is it your responsibility to help it?




  1. We think we have a haunting in our house and I do not feel obligated to do anything for it. It hasn't communicated its needs to us and I do not do ouija boards. No way! I am not sure if not helping it is unethical. I know some of them are lost but some spirits have never lived (demons) and should not be toyed with

  2. Interactive hauntings in some cases do not want help.  You cannot make a ghost move on if it is not willing.  Eventually, it will happen.  Time is relative on the other side.  What would be years to you and I seems like minutes there.  What happens is evewntually, someone from the other side will come and take them with them.  When, only time will tell.

    Residuals are not aware of you and just go about their life doing the same thing over and you would be no help to send them across either.

    So I don't think it is really a matter of ethics, we just try to help when we can.

  3. I personally would do all I could to see that this dearly departed soul finds their way back home. That is to Valhalla, Summer-land, Heaven or whatever. To not do so is like unto not helping a lost child find his parents. Because it is simply the right thing to do. Peace&Love be with you...~M~

  4. well sometimes you really can't help a spirit or ghost to move on. Ghost are attached to this world by extremely strong emotions. For example, a little girl loves her doll more than anything in the world and can't leave it for even a second or she would freak out. So she dies but still loves that doll and will not give it up. so she haunts the doll tell she gets it back. Or they don't realize they have died. It depends on the haunting case. All ghost are here because they were emotionally attached to something as like playing in the halls, not wanting to give up a house, loved a doll, loved pulling pranks, etc. so i say just let them be or try to help them rest in piece.

  5. I suppose the 'Peanut Gallery' are those people with enough logic to realize that the existence of ghosts have never been proved and therefore exist only in your imagination?

    Here, have some salt.

  6. A ghost is not a spirit, it is only the residual energy. If it were a spirit, I'd say yes there is a moral obligation to move it toward the light.

  7. There is no evidence beyond anecdotes that suggest ghosts, spirits, angels or any other supernatural entities exist.  Often times the true culprit is nothing more than a willingness to believe in the supernatural and a lack of curiosity in finding any reasons or evidence to the contrary.

    Obviously you're free to believe in one or all of the above-mentioned deities.  However, you should know they won't be apparent in any way that isn't heavily influenced by your subjective interpretation of events.  In other words, they will never exist outside of your perceived experience.

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