
For those who play guitar?

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I've always wanted to play guitar. So I was wondering if those who play think that it's worth the time and money spent on the guitar, lessons, pics, etc. Is it worth it even if I'm not gonig to be in a band? Also, where can I get a pretty cheap guitar, that's no more then $200.




  1. learning to play any instrument is worth it. nothing is more rewarding than playing music. even if on your own. you'll find yourself lost for hours playing the same wee ditty over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over again.

    as long as you dont give up in the first week cause your fingers get sore......that passes after a month or two.  the more you play the stronger your skin gets.


  2. The time to play guitar is better when your young. Depends how old you are. And it depends how commited you will be to it. It takes some practice. i take lessons, only 20$ a week for a half hour. its worth it, my teacher teaches me finger excersises, special tricks and how to read music. you can definetly get a guitar for less than 200$. my recomendation would be an Ibanez. you can get an amp for like 50$. then you just need a cord and picks maybe 20$. once you get all the stuff, it wont be so bad. you just gott to be committed.

    good luck.

  3. Playing guitar (or any musical instrument) is a wonderfully satisfying and enjoyable creative outlet, whether you ever play professionally in a band or not.  Most people who take up an instrument never become professional, in fact -- they just play for the fun of it.  

    And don't rule out the possibility of playing with other people. A lot of amateur musicians (myself included) love to get together with other musicians to jam just for the fun of it.  Its a great social outlet as well a creative musical outlet. And sometimes those jams turn into bands that play out occasionally for fun and maybe extra cash on weekends.

    Check out Guitar Center or Sam Ash for a decent selection of inexpensive guitars to start out on.

  4. I have played and taught for over thirty five years and have enjoyed every minute of it.....your never bored, and there's always something new too learn. The Guitar Center has very nice guitars, their acoustic Yamaha has a great sound, the one I loved was $250.00, but the Center is very good at giving you a deal, I asked for one and they reduced it by $50.00. I alway recommend the acoustic for beginners, electric only sounds good when you know how to play it. In the beginning I've had many a student who has said I'll never get this.....well they usually do after about six months and have told me that their glad that they didn't give up......trying to understand it all in the beginning is sometimes frustating but after it starts to come together and you get the callouses nessassary to be able to play with discomfort you'll love it, I can bet on it  !!!!!!!

    It's best in the beginning to have a teacher, but if that's impossiable go to one of the sites that teach, if you decide to do that e-mail me back and I'll send you lots of sites that you can check out.....and please learn music notation....most that start out using tabs don't go very far....I've yet to see one who can play a complete song, it seems like all they can do is play the first ten barres of a few popular songs.....and then after four years of practice their writting to Yahoo questions and answers....." I've been playing for four years, why do I still suck at guitar" ??? Good luck to you !!!!!!! If you do go to the guitar center make sure that you play around with all the guitars that are in your budget.....they all have a different sound and action....even the same brand guitars, so plan to spend a couple of hours in there trying them out.....if you can't play have one of the clerks play one for you that you like the sound of....just make sure that when you press down on the strings that their not too high,  (action)'ll see the difference when you play a few different guitars, some strings sit way higher then others, when you play a few you'll see what I mean....and the higher strings are a lot harder to play, especially for a beginners !!!!!!!!

  5. I am probably saying the same thing as everyone, but go to any guitar store, and play lots of guitars to help get a feel for what you want. Also, definatly take guitar lessons.

  6. i tried out guitar and i love it!  its always fun to be able to play your favorite tunes.  i bought my guitar for about $200 at sam ash. it was a package it included fender guitar squier, fender amp, starp, picks, amp wire (forgot the term!) dvd and strings

    i take lessons at the fender museum.

  7. I've been playing for a year, It's worth the time and money, it does become costly overtime, but its worth every penny. Before you Start, would you rather play an acoustic, classical or electric guitar. In general, the nylon stringed classical guitars are cheaper, but the sound is low, acoustic guitars on the other hand have a brighter sound, but getting them cheap is occasional, i bought my epiphone electric/acoustic 224 at bob's music in pembroke, but usualy, a good beginner acoustic will come around 300$. If you're lucky, you might get one on special for 150.

    But yeh, its worth it. There's nothing better than learning an instrument. Finding motivation to learn new things may become a problem, but if you know your notes, A B C...etc, chords AMajor, BMajor, will enjoy every second or learning a song, or just jamming to an idea.

  8. It is MOST DEFINETELY worth it i believe :)

    like other things, taking time to learn and get better is totally worth it because in the end you'll have an awesome ability and people will respect you for it!

    at first guitar can be hard and you hurt your fingers if you play as much as i do but eventually it goes away and its so worth it :P

    guitars can be quite cheap, it really depends where you go but i recomend a proper well made guitar so that it works well. picks are dirt cheap, like 10 for $4 or something, depending on whether you want fancy ones or not. and as far as lessons go, they might be expensive but that really depends on whether you want the extra help or not.

    just remember. taking the time to work at something is normally worth it. and once you can play your fave song on a guitar you will be super proud of yourself :)

    hope that helped x

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