
Foreign Exchange to Germany?

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I'm thinking about going to Germany on a Highschool foreign exchange program. I am American and am wondering what to expect.




  1. There are some great books out there on German culture. Go over to amazon and check them out.

    I liked "The Xenophobe's Guide to the Germans" by Stefan Zeidenitz. The Culture Shock! series is also generally quite good.

    Also check out the resolved questions, you are not the first to ask this.

  2. Ever hear the expression when in Rome do as the Romans? Well if you really wish to get along well I recommend you do your best to learn some of their language even if it is just basic phrases and statements. They will much appreciate your effort to learn their language and not just speak English to them automatically.

    I find Germany to be a wonderful country and have traveled there for over 18 years now and have been all over even lived there.

    Go and have fun, see as much as you can and learn as much as you can. It is a wonderful place and not like some people think of during WWII!!!! That is very important to understand.

    Yes cultures are slightly different but not so much you cannot adapt and get along. One example at Cinemas you are given assigned seats and have to use the assigned seats but you can buy beer at the stand and the popcorn is MUCH different than in the USA!! Where here you can site where ever you want with a ticket. Just small differences usually.

    DO NOT JAY WALK! They are very serious about using crosswalks and using the bus systems properly so get a bus pass too or enough bus tickets with instructions on how to use them. If you plan to drive get an international license to save any possible misunderstandings though your USA liscence is good it is still recommended you have an international one! Driving is much different there than here. You can not talk on a cell phone or eat a McDonalds meal while you drive as you can in the USA.

    So get the book mentioned above and listen to what the Native Germans are telling you, they won't steer you wrong.

    Lastly make sure you bring voltage adapters for any appliances like your cd player and such. Radio Shack and other paces such as that carry them.

    Other than that, make sure your itinerary is checked and flights are on time and gates are correct and seating is proper.

    Most important....HAVE FUN.

  3. I am actually on an exchange year in Germany now.  I'm 16 and from Michigan, and have been here for 5 months.  There have been high and low points but over-all I say its been really good and recommend doing it, but choose your exchange program wisely because I seriously think that they have a lot to do with how your year will turn out.  If you have any questions or would like more details and ways to deal with things like homesickness and culture shock or whatnot feel free to contact me.

  4. the youth in germany has much more freedom

    you can go into discotheks until midnight under 18

    you can buy weak alcohol like beer at age 16

    the young people are responsible for themselves

    if u go to a gymnasium then the school will be pretty harder than at your highschool depending how good your high school is

    you also wont meet superficial friendlyness like in the USA

    you normally stay with same people in class everyday depending on your grade

    im sure you will have fun

  5. Maia has given a good recomendation here.

    Also I have lived in the US for a year and live in Germany

    feel free to contact me if you have any questions I ll try my best answering them.

  6. Just relax - u will enjoy it. Germany is a beautiful country. Just try to avoid Berlin and other parts of EastGermany.

  7. What a great opportunity.  Do it. I'm from Texas and just returned again, from Germany. Can't wait to go back. I'm not going to tell you what to expect, that would spoil it. Just be yourself. You'll see what I mean when you stay there for awhile.

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