
Forensic anthropology...?

by  |  earlier

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i am really interested in forensic anthropology, but i dont think that there would be much work for a forensic anthropologist in Australia.. is that right?

and also what courses are there available for forensic anthropology available in Australia? (Melbourne or Brisbane specifically).

if there are any australian anthropologists here PLEASE answer my question and say what kind of work you are doing, how you like it, etc.

thankyou SO much, i apprecciate it!




  1. If there are any unsolved murders in Australia, then there's work for Forensic Anthropologists there!

  2. A forensic anthropologist has work whenever decomposed remains are discovered.  From personal experience, once a Coroner's office knows there is a forensic anthropologist in the area they are willing to call you for work when they get cases that cannot be autopsied.

    As for forensic anthropology in Australia, I'm not sure what programs are like over there.  Forensic anthropology is still a predominantly American field since anthropology in America was focused on this area since it was brought over from Europe.  I know there are forensic anthropologists all over the world, and even though I know it exists, I'm not sure what the education in other countries is like in regards to forensic anthro...sorry I couldn't help more!

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