
f******n on Toddlers?

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Hi all. Can anyone tell me what age you pulled your sons f******n back on his p***s? I know there is an age where it shouldn't be done. I thought it was 3. To me, his doesn't look ready yet.

My son does wees fine, but I remember being told that by a certain age, I should be pulling it back to wash it.

Please no stupid answers, this is a serious question!




  1. When he is old enough to pull it back himself and wash it himself.

    There is no textbook age at which they are ready for this to happen, it is different for each boy, each body. Trying to pull it back before it is ready can damage him p***s. When it is ready, it will begin to retract on its own, and he will be able to pull it back and clean it himself.

  2. thank you so much for asking this i had been wanting to know my self for a while now. :)

  3. You can start pulling it back when it is loose and has detatched itself from the rest of the p***s.  If it doesn't easily slide back when you *gently* try to move it, it isn't ready :)

    Its great that you have waited and been so good about it.  Lots of moms try to yank their boys back for a cleansing the first week, you know?  

    The age is indefinate, its more the physical signs that are important.  Until it is totally loose, not much can get into there anyway!  When you do wash it, just a rinse with pure water will do just fine.  No reason for any soaps in there at all.

    Good luck!

  4. There is no general age.

    Some boys cannot retract their f******n until their late teens though it usually happens much earlier. If it doesn't pull back when you are VERY GENTLE, it's not ready. There is no rush to clean it, it's probably something that only he should do himself with parental guidance.

    It is more than likely that your son will have an adherent f******n for at least a few more years.

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