
f******n problem(s)?

by  |  earlier

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Well basically i am 16 years old and cannot fully retract my f******n. I think i should be able to but it appears to be "stuck". About half way down the head there is about a half inch of skin attached to the head. I have tried tugging but it won't budge.I feel no pain when retracting as far as i can and i think if this skin was separated i could fully retract my f******n. Does anybody have any suggestions as how to loosen it and separate it. In the mean time, is it possible to have s*x whilst wearing a condom with the f******n not retracting as i don't want it to rip suddenly.




  1. It sounds like your f******n is a bit too tight.

    A tight f******n is surprisingly common and can usually be self-treated at home in private.

    It involves stretching exercises (ideally in the bath/shower) to make it easier to pull back. Be patient, because it must be stretched daily over several weeks, but it will be worth it in the end!

    The below websites have some good advice.

    In the meantime I'd recommend avoiding s*x until you've loosened it a bit.

    I believe the little half-inch of skin attached to the head is the frenulum, which is normal.

  2. You can "Stretch" the f******n to make it easier to pull back.

    Use warm soapy water, & just  pull it wider.

    Do not tear the piece at the bottom of the head

  3. Usually a problem retracting the f******n comes from the opening being too tight, but it looks like you're describing a situation where the skin and the glans are actually attached.

    First off, in childhood, it's perfectly normal for the glans and the f******n to be attached.  They usually separate some time before adulthood, and may remain partly attached until age 17 or more.  Don't try to force them apart, you could tear them and cause problems.  Keep an eye on where they are stuck together.  If they don't seem to be growing apart at all, show the situation to your doctor.  You could have a pathological adhesion between your glans and f******n, usually caused by injury to the area when you were younger.  If this is the case, the doctor can separate the skin and glans surgically.  Don't let anyone talk you into a circumcision.  You f******n is perfectly fine, it doesn't need to be amputated just because it's stuck to your glans right now.

    In the meantime, keep the part of your glans that is exposed and the f******n facing it clean by rinsing with clean water no less than once a day.  You can use soap if you want, but it's not necessary.  If using soap, choose the mild kind, and rinse it off thoroughly when you're done.

  4. if some of the skin is still stuck to the head a doctor can separate it without circumcising or anything like that, you could do it yourself but it could be painful, if it does seperate I have heard vaseline will help prevent it from healing back together

  5. John, it sounds like you might have adhesions or skin bridges.

    The f******n is attached to the p***s shaft at the very botton by what is called the frenulum. But if sections of the inner f******n is sticking to the glans, head, at other areas, they are called adhesions or skin bridges. When doctors try to cut the adhesions to separate the skins, that of the glans and that of the f******n they can really botch up the job by scarring badly the head.

    Sometimes you can separate the two skins just by tugging, but if it is sensitive, that is too difficult. Oils, baby oil or olive oil, can help if the glans is very sensitive.

    Now here is the best way to separate it: About 4 or 5 times a day, put saliva (spit) on the area, and pull back on the f******n sort of trying to pull it apart, but not enough to hurt it. Two reasons why your saliva is effective: First, it contains enzymes that disolve the adherent that is holding the skins together. Second, your saliva is alkaline while your p***s end and urine is acidic. And an alkaline environment will allow the skins to separate. It may take a few days to separate, but it is worth it.
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