
Forex expert advisor?

by  |  earlier

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Do forex expert advisors charge a lot of money, I have a useful site but, i think that help from a forex expert adviser could help, hs anyone traded on the forex?

Heres the site i have ===>




  1. Check out this software.  The advisors here are free and help you tremendously.

  2. Expert advisors are not people that advise you, they are a program that automatically trades for you... sounds like you are a bit confused about that.

    There are plenty of free EA's out there, and you can even make one yourself if you have a good strategy.

    Personally I have tried EAs, but I find that by trading yourself manually you are a lot more successful. Computers can only do so much, there is a lot of subtle things in the market they don't pick up.

  3. try FXCM. Theres lot of info and most all of it is free

  4. you can try this link.  for a minimum deposit of $100.00 they will provide you an expert forex advisor with whom you can talk live via phone, email or chat.  and you can always interact with other forex experts in their chat room.  don't worry about the legitimacy of the site. they are one of the leading forex sites these days.
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