
Forgot my myspace password?HELP! 10pts!?

by Guest57358  |  earlier

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and the email sending it wont go through to my email account

What can i do?




  1. check your spam folder - sometimes it ends up there

  2. Huh, that sucks. Is the email not going through because of spam filters? I guess trying to contact myspace and telling them what's going on? It could be that myspace is having difficulties. There have been times when it wouldn't let me log on even though I knew I had the right password. Try looking at your page without logging on. If things look dofferent, your page may have been corruppted, which you will have to conntact myspace to fix.

    Good Luck

  3. You could try sining up and then you could click frogot password then you could put your E0mail there


  4. you can have the password sent to your email adress that u sign in with

  5. Some email providers might mark Myspace off as spam and block mails from it, so check and make sure that Myspace isn't on the block list. If it isn't, check your spam folder to make sure the mail isn't being sent to there.

    If the mail still isn't coming through, all what you can really do is keep guessing or make a new account.

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