
Foster Children,Anyone have any info?

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I have a couple of questions.

1:Do you get the child removed out of no where or do they allow you many years with the child?

2:Can you later on adopt the child?

3:Are you helped financially(If so,how much?)

4:Do you have a choice of age and race and gender(I'm saying this because a baby is more preferable,and a nationality similar to our so the child feels the same,and doesn't really notice any difference)

5: Were should you go to obtain a child?




  1. Im a foster parent to a 9 month old girl!

    1. The parents have 1.5 years to allow themselves to fix there problems. The child could stay 2 days or 2 years its really depends on the parents if they are younger. Most older children are in care because of there problems and it all depends on them.

    2. The only way that you could adopt the child is if its coming up for adoption because the parents arent able to care for him or her. The children are only allowed in care 12 months but the county will give extensions of another 6 months which makes it 1.5 years.

    3. Yes you are helped financially with the children. I cant tell you how much because every county and every state is different and they pay at different rates. I make 1,000 a month for one individual child where I live.

    4. When you go through your training and gobs of paperwork you will get an application on what type of child that you want in your home! And its from Age to Race to Personality! Its your choice!

    5. I would go to your local Department of Job and Family Services and they would be able to help you and give you helpful information.

                                            Good Luck !

  2. If your looking to adopt and having a hard time, this is not the way to do it.  If you are not good at letting go, I wouldn't recommend foster care.  The parent usually will get there child back after they fix whatever problem put them in foster care in first place.  They will pay you to provide foster care but I think it is diff based on where you live.  Don't set yourself up for heartbreak, but if you think you have it in you, good luck and god bless you!

  3. I am a foster parent so i'll do my best to answer your questions:

    1.  The main goal of foster parenting is to provide a temporary family unit to a child while their parents undergo different measures with the goal of family reunification.  This can take some parents weeks, months or years.  In some cases this does not happen or the parents just don't care, these children become permanent wards, these are the children who either age out in the system or go up for adoption.

    2.  In some cases yes, in many cases, no.  Extended family is given priority when a child becomes a permanent ward.  If a family member is able and equip to raise a child, they will be given the rights to raise the child.  Fostering is not a back door to adoption.

    3.  Yes, you are paid a daily allowance for being a foster parent.  There is a daily allotment for things like shelter, the child's clothing and allowance, maintenance of furniture and so forth.  It averages around $21 a day.

    4.  Yes to all of the specifications.  You always have a choice in the race, gender and so forth...however there are generally more boys in foster care because mothers tend to try harder with girls for some reason (I guess they feel more empathetic towards their own gender).  The wait for a child of your own race may be longer because (and I don't mean to be stereotypical) minority children seem to be more prevalent in foster care.

    5.  You should contact your local CPS office and get an information package, they will let you know about upcoming information sessions and orientation.

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