
Foster care/ adoption?

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what is the difference between foster care adoption?

i now somethings but i wanna know what you think...

is it good idea?

do tell. please.




  1. foster care is a temporary placement with the emphasis upon returning the child to his first family or placing the child with a new family. With foster to adopt families, they can be considered if the decision is made to place the child in a family other than his first family. Foster to adopt has risks b/c the termination of parental rights has not been secured. However, most state agencies will not place a child with you without first discussing the legal aspects of the child's case and if you are willing to accept these risks. Our child is currently a foster child....and we are waiting for TPR before we can adopt him. We were told there is always a chance he could be placed back with his first family, but the likelihood of that happening is virtually nonexistent and the first family has shown no interest in a parental plan. If, however, the first parents do start to show an interest, you need to be aware that many family court judges want to give the first parents every opportunity to make changes and reunite with their children. In the end, you decide what you can and cannot handle and what risk you are willing to take. good luck!

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