
Found object in mcdonalds burger?

by  |  earlier

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I was just at McDonald's. I went through the drive though and ordered 2 cheeseburgers. I ate one, then got about half way through the second before finding a piece of thin metal in the sandwich. It's like if you were to open a new bottle of ketchup or something, the metal you have to tear back on the top.

I called McDonald's and spoke to the manager who seemed to care less. She told me to bring in the burger and she would give me a refund. Yeah, I'm going to drive 20 mins for a dollar back.

I called customer service and a formal report was filed, but I am still advising everyone I know to just stay away from that place. my 2 year old was eating the food too, and got forbid she took that bite, she could have choked.

Anyone have any suggestions on if there is anything else I should do? I'm thinking about reporting the rude manager as well.




  1. ugh.. thats why i dont eat fast food..

    the manager didn't sound like she cared because she is so used to complaints like that.

  2. wow, im not eating there anymore!

  3. you can call the national hotline for mcdonalds.  i found it on their coffee cup.  but i just tried to find it on google and couldnt.  the managers could care less b/c they only make about a dollar more than the teenagers that work there.  i think t he hotline is your onlyhope.  good luck!  btw their coffee is really good if you wanted to purchase one just to get the number!

  4. I am a health inspector for the county in which I live. You can report the incident to your local health department and they will investigate the complaint. :)

  5. i would sue (don't listen to me i am just saying that)

  6. Sue!  You're in America, after all.  ;-)

  7. definitely report the manager to their corporate office. make sure you have her name and the time you went there. being such a big corporation, mcdonalds will take action with the employee.

    however, when it comes to being compensated for the object found in your food, there isnt much you can do about it, sadly, because you werent harmed by it. if you had to go to the hospital, etc, there would be more you could do. i once found a piece of blue plastic holding 2 cheezits together that i was eating. i complained, and i thought that since cheezits are made from such a big company, id get more than a free box of cheezits. but thats it. not saying what you found is all right, but everyone is human, and we all make errors. and unfortunatley, theres not much else to do. ive had other exerpiences such as yours-finding ants in a fountain drink from circle k, and a tiny pebble in my fries from in n out. and all i got was a refund for my drink, and a free meal from in n out. i am also a server as my job. once a scoop of ice cream that i scooped for a little kid had a big piece of paper (the paper that covers the top of the ice cream before it is opened which is the same color) in it. the child actually choked on the paper. however, this was not my fault as whoever opened the ice cream didnt do it correctly. so i see both sides when mistakes like this happen.

  8. Ewww! That's disgusting! And you're right, that's kind of dangerous. Good for you for filing the report!

  9. Ewwwww thats gross. Once when I was little, before they started white meat..............I found a  little peice of bone. I heard they put meal worms in their hamburger meat.

  10. The same thing happened to us at Wendy's a week or so ago. Except we found a hard plastic cylinder in the baked potato. We called and talked to the manager, and we went the next day and they gave us a full refund for the entire meal. The manager at Weny's was much nicer than what you're describing though. I think you are doing the right thing and I would definitely report the manager for being so rude and careless.

  11. I am a current employee. Save the piece that you found in the burger. Don't talk to the regular floor supervisor. Ask to speak to the Store manager. A lot of the floor supervisors can't even speak proper English and can be VERY rude to the customers. I have seen this many times in the year and a half I have worked there. If you don't get anywhere with the store manager call the toll-free number (It is always posted inside the store) and leave a message for the owner/operator. The store manager should speak to the grill people to make sure they are following proper procedures so this doesn't happen again.

  12. Document Everything!

    Your experience, conversations, the "evidence', their responses.

    Send e-mails to everybody....Consumer watch groups,  state atty general. etc.

    Maybe you'll get more than free food (which you obviously don't either)

  13. do it thats sick

  14. I found an onion ring in Burger King french fries a couple times, but that's different. I really think you could sue them though, that could be pretty dangerous if you took really big bites.


    I would have done that same thing

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