
Four Earth Signs in chart?

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I have four earth signs in my chart and i'm on the capricorn/aquarian cusp. Does that make me an earthy person? lol




  1. It depends on which planets... If you have Sun, Mercury, Venus & the Moon in earth signs... sure... even if Mars, Jupiter or Saturn are some of the 4, that would qualify... but if two of them are Uranus & Neptune (as I am guessing they are) I would say you're not as earthy as you think...

  2. Of all things the ascedant and aspects to it along with the ascendant ruler and the sun and moon and mercury are the most important. Any aspects mafe to the ascendant especially.The rest of the planets could be used to add to the flavor but they are rarely as important.The planets aspecting the ascendant that have the most angularity: (Planets that are the closest to the angles) take precedence. I follow Traditional Astrology and my primary temperment is Melancholic (Earth) and Choleric (fire). I also have a little bit of Sanguine behavor but very little of it (Air) and little to no Phlematic behavior (water). I have Sun and moon and mercury  in earth signs with the sun in oppostion to my ascendant. Ding. Aquarius ruler Saturn is in sagittarius in the tenth house, and angular house ding. With my ascendant being in air and jupiter being in air I have a little but of the sanguine.ding. Mars in Aries adds more to the choleric primaries,ding. and venus is the only water sign. bzzzt.


  3. Aquarius is from anywhere but earth - so I'm thinking you day dream as you count your money?  

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