
Fox News a bunch of Ignorants?

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Ok how many of you think that Fox news is full of closed minded, ignorant, and racist people. I read, and even saw the clip they called Obama's wife: " Obama's baby mamma". Now im not defending him, iam just saying if you guys say you guys are full of justice, and repectfull, why do they say things like that?




  1. Thank you for your question,but all i got to say is this, now you know how i felt during the Hillary vs Obama campaigning and i got only the OBAMA side of the campaign,his speeches ,his wife interview was on CNN round the clock,never did i once see Hillary in a live interview,just second hand clips on her miss statements,or mistakes but when OBAMA  made mistakes or did negative things,you saw a quick clip but there were pro obama supporter to sweap it under the carpet,like the radio host who never let's any of Hillary supporters speak who was on the show!so i guess fox is republician and CNN is pro Democrat pro OBAMA!its only fair.

  2. Fox News is the worst.  They just don't care anymore.  They are racist and don't care. They are for Republicans.  They will go after liberal, moderate or whatever labels there are.  One of broadcaster laugh and said something about knocking off Senator Obama.  A few months ago on Fox and Friends one of the guys said something about adopting a monkey and he will be like Angelina Jolie.  They just don't care.  I can't believe they are suppose to be the highest ranking cable news and say they are fair and balance.  Fox News is anti-g*y, anti-minorities, anti-women, anti-immigrants anti anything that's not white.  I know if Fox News is racist most of their fans are too. What does it say about the advertisers who support Fox News?

  3. I feel the same way!  I can't stand Fox23 News.  Whatever happen to keeping your personal feelings/views out of the news?  This anchor in Tulsa thought it'd be a sweet comment to add, God willing...What the h**l??  They're dumb polls are irrelevant.  They are just very unprofessional!

  4. I agree 100%.  I try to watch it and morning Joe on MSNBC and I can't take it.  There's too much hate and blatant racism.

  5. Baby Mama?? Is that all they got now??? God, this General Election is going to be FUN.

  6. Fox News is a respectable news station. You probably have this opinion because Fox is conservative and you don't like this opinion.

  7. It's funny how any other news group can say whatever they want about someone or something or some group, but the second Fox does it, they're "racist, ignorant and closed minded".

  8. I agree with the first answer. It's because Fox is known as the "Republican" news channel. If a diffferent news channel ie. a primarily Democrat  news channel said those things, apparently it would be okay.

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