
Freaky phenomenon! Help!?

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The two pillows under my head last night each have a dinner-plate-sized wet spot back-tp-back-

Not the side that was by my face, but in-between.

Did something happen and I turned it over? Drool? No, no smell and nothing on my face, no flakes, dryness, nothing. And THAT much would have left a mark on me!

Ears? No, that would have been oily and colored, even if that would explain why I can't hear well these last two years, that ain't it.

It had rained, and sometimes that wall leaks. The deep yellow green walls get lighter though, for a day or two, and then dry up. That ain't it.

Sleepwalking? That's all I can come up with-

BUT- the bed was perfectly unrumpled when I got up- It was almost as though I was never in it, that's how little I must have moved.

What do I make of this with all of that ruled out?

PS This is the second time this has happened.




  1. Do you live alone?

  2. Deep sleep, night sweat, by the time it was morning, the surface of the top pillow had sufficiently dried out to make you notice the moisture in between more so than on the surface.

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