
Free Local Public Transport?

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If all local bus services were free at the point of use, like the NHS, would it be cheaper for society as whole?

Would it improve the quality of life in our urban cenres by reducing congestion and pollution?

Would it have a significant impact on the conservation of natural resources like oil?

Would it have a significant impact on global warming by reducing emissions?




  1. I think in theory this is an excellent idea .I certainly hate driving into big city's as the roads are a nightmare. I would much rather use public transport but for a family of five it is very expensive.( a five mile journey one way is approx £9.50 )This is a shame as I live close to a small town with good bus links. The services available have also been cut dramatically in recent years making it harder for shift workers to use the services for eg.

    There must be a way to improve the situation and maybe allowing public transport company's to buy duty free fuel would be a start in not only cutting their costs but fares to make them affordable if not free.

    I don't think people are going to give up their cars but I am sure if a good reliable alternative was available to everyone more people would use public transport...for one thing its a lots less stressful than driving on our congested roads.

  2. It's worth consideration and perhaps a few trials.  Although as a pensioner, who already gets free travel, I still use my car when I go shopping because I cannot carry it.  I also use it to visit friends, who are not on a direct bus route.  So I am not sure it would work.

  3. Yes, all the above.  It would also make the difference to those who want to get back to employment, but find that benefits provide more income.  The saving on transport to work could make the different to many poorer people between employment and unemployment.

  4. All bus travel within Scotland is free for over 60s, any distance, any time of day.

  5. Yes to all, but unless these transport services are available then it is not going to work, I live in a (semi) rural area and our bus services are dissapearing, bums on seats keep them going at present, due to profit making, it is cheaper and more convenient to use your car and in many cases safer! However, rising fuel costs will not get us all back on local buses, it need to go hand in hand with reliability, safety and sustainability etc. for any system to work.

       Yep, lets get free local transport working, afterall the paying local transport system does not exist in rural areas! So lets give free a chance!

  6. The City of Fremantle in Western Australia did this for a while and I'm sure you could ask them how that went.

    I think if you do this, and also increase parking costs, with discounts for people with disabilities, who actually might have to drive... it would be great.

  7. Some cities have limited free inner-city bus routes and they have proved very popular. Expanding them should help to bring down traffic volumes even further, and I hope that London will do that once it gets more revenue from its congestion/carbon charges. As have been pointed out, many OAPs can travel free off-peak, and it does help to improve their quality of life and use the empty moving spaces in buses. But rumour has it that David Cameron is thinking of withdrawing this if he gets into Downing Street, just like Maggie taking free milk from kids.

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