
Free PreeSchool in Ohio?

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Does anyone know of free pre-school in Ohio, specifically the Cleveland Metro Area or East?? My husband and I do NOT qualify for Healthy Start, but we don't make a ton, and we have twins! They are 4 and have never been to pre-school. What should we do?




  1. Not sure about free but many churches run reasonably priced pre-schools and might even have "scholarships" for those unable to pay.  Talk to other people with kids or just call around to the churches.  Also watch as you drive by.  This time of year many of them that still have opennings have signs in the yard with the phone number of the pre-school.

  2. Up to ten percent of children on Head Start can be over income. They are also raising the income cap for Head Start to 130% of the poverty level. Look into churches preschools. It's not the worst thing in the world if they don't go to preschool. Just set aside sometime to "play" school. Call your local high school, if they have a Tech center they might have a free preschool.

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