
Free websites(help me)?

by  |  earlier

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i want to start a website for myself for aniamls,it must be free,

its gonna be about saving dogs,before they go to the pound,is there any free sites where u can start a website for free!!!





  1. is awesome and sounds like it would be a great fit for the venture you are heading in to.  

    You may also want to consider a blog ( or are also both free.  Weebly actually has an easy way to add a blog to your free site.

    Good luck!!

  2. start a blog thats what most people are doing these days

  3. Hi Queen B.

    I think this is a noble cause you are undertaking. I think the first two guys have provided some excellent leads for you. If you have not already considered doing so, I would strongly suggest you consider adding a blog to your site.

    This would provide you a forum in which to offer regular, timely updates on Dog Rescue issues, adoptable dogs, etc. Depending on how much time you would be willing to devote to updating your blog, your blog could help establish you as the local authority on animal rescue.

    Good luck with your venture!

  4. is also another one of the bigger free website services out there.

    You can also check out which is a web host and web design company focusing on small business owners.

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