
Freewheel or hub problems?

by  |  earlier

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o.k. when i ride my bike there's like a cracking sound coming from the back, but i can't figure out where its coming from. it only makes the sound when i pedal forwards, anyone know what the problem is?



by the way i know it's not the chain!!!!




  1. It sounds like the shifters need to be adjusted. If your indexing is a little off it will cause the chain to rub on the side of the cogs in the back - this is the sound your hearing. Adjust your cable tension a little and it will disappear.

    If its only when pedaling it won't be the hub or freewheel. The hub is always spinning and would make the noise all the time. When pedaling the freewheel is locked up and nothing is moving inside it.

  2. are u 100% sure that is is the very back of you bike, crackling when pedalling is ussaly due to either your pedals are decaying and weekening, or they are not tight enough,

    or your crank is begining to die on you, most the time the crackling will occur when pedalling due to the fact you are putting the crank and pedals underpresure.

    appart from that possibly something in you gears/cogs but doubtful

    as you meantioned it wasnt the chain id would have another look and make sure the chain isnt hitting the frame, if it is adjust your cable tension and your limit screws then doa finer tune of your gears by barel adjusting.


  3. You have to try to isolate the sound a little better than just "from the back of the bike" it around the hub/gears?  The frame or wheels possibly?  

    Even with getting closer to the source of the sound, sometimes the only way to figure it out is to disassemble the parts and inspect/feel them.  It could be a broken pawl/spring in the freewheel, or it could be damaged or shifted bearings in the freewheel or hub bearings.  Heck, even a badly bent or cracked axle can cause those sounds, too.  Cracks in the frame make ugly noises, and it's possible if that's the case that the crack may be nowhere near the back of the bike (like around the bottom bracket)....the sound travels through the metal.  Odd, but true.  

    If you can figure out more, post up again with more info and maybe we can help better.  Otherwise, take things apart and check them out or take the bike into a shop and have them do it.  Sorry....that's about the best I can offer without more info.   Hope it helps some, though.   :o)

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