
Freeze Dried Bloodworms?

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Okay, i have 3 zebra Danios. I know that i have 2 males and one female because the females tend to be fatter, and bigger. So, a couple of weeks ago i went and bought a 5 1/2 gallon tank for them and my other fish ( 2 x-ray tetras,3 cherry barbs,1 male betta,1 Cory Cat and 1 Pleco) Along with the tank i decided to get some bloodworms. I've been feeding them a good amount of it to them and the Danios seem to like them the most. Through the past couple of weeks, i noticed that my female danio looks like shes getting fatter like shes getting mature and getting ready to spawn. So i was wondering if the bloodworms have anything to do with it? I haven't fed them anything besides that, the flakes and the beta food. I asked about it and it's just higher in proteins i think so it's just a bit better for your fish. =]

thanks =]




  1. yes the blood worms do help condition them for spawning and it definitely makes your female get packed full of more eggs, but your 5 1/2 gallon tank is way to small for all those fish i suggest getting a bigger tank or you'll have problems with ammonia and your fish will die.

  2. Yeah the bloodworms are a big contributor. Don't overfeed them, 2 cubes should be good every other day. I would vary it with flake food. You need a bigger tank. Tanks don't cost that much. You will end up spending just as much replacing the fish that die. Remember the pleco grows more than a foot long. Mine grew to 16 inches.  

  3. Blood worms are always good. Just don't over feed with them. You might want to get a larger tank though.  

  4. You have way too many fish in your tank. The general rule of thumb is 1gallon for every inch of fish. So even if your Danios is pregnant the other fish are most likely going to eat her young, or she may even eat them herself. You will be lucky if your tank doesn't get ick, it is extremely stressful for fish to be in an over crowded environment.  

  5. I Tend to Feed my Betta Fish Blood Worms and its not the Food. The Bloodworm's only Help to enhance the color of your fish.  I Agree, You do have too many fish in your tank but Betta fish's are community fish's.

    Hint: if your Betta Fish is Flaring at the Others, Separate them.  

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