
Freind questioning adoption proceedings?

by Guest57743  |  earlier

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I have a friend whos boyfriend has a 4 year old son with a different woman. That other woman had a daughter 2 years later who is now 2. My friends boyfriend wants to adopt the little girl because the little girl has always thought he was her daddy and thats what he wants. He knows the girl is not his and the real father is nothing more than a child support check. The little girls daddy is a child molester and the mom is scared if something happens to her the girl will go to her child molester dad. So she wants the dad of her son (my friends boy friend) to adopt the girl. So the problem is that the woman that is mother to these 2 children is not in any way romantically related to my friends boyfriend. She however says that the court said she had to be married to him for 9 mos before they start the adoption proceedings. My friend is scared about this because she thinks it is a ploy for her to get him back and make them break up. Is it necessary for them to be married and if so how long




  1. If she is concerned for her daughters safety she could have the father surrender his rights. She could be a single parent. She should prepare a will containing who will have custody of her child should something happen to her.

    Don't trust her it's probably a ploy for something.

  2. Call an adoption lawyer first thing monday morning, and ask these questions to them.  I'm sure they can answer as to how long they have to be married.  (if they have to be married.)  Asking a lawyer a question, you can almost always get an answer for free.

  3. I think they have to be married in order for him to adopt.

  4. Well you should see a lawyer and see what your options are. If the birth father is a child molester I find it hard that he could ever get custody of this girl.  In order for your friend’s boyfriend to be able to adopt this little girl, the birthfather would have to give up his rights.

    I’m not sure if they would have to be married, it might depend on the state. Though I guess in the end they could get married on paper, once the adoption was legalized they can file for divorce or even annulment if they never consummate the marriage.  Though it seems the easiest thing to do would be to get the birthfathers rights terminated should not be hard if he is a child molester.  Then she can write in her will whom she wants to have custody of her daughter should she die before the girl is 18 years. If she wants the father of her son to be guardian of her daughter and he is willing, cool.

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