
Freindship to Relationship??

by  |  earlier

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How are you suppose to take a pretty awesome friendship and change it into something more because there are more feelings there then just wanting to be friends. If you could give some examples that would be amazing!




  1. Make sure that the other person wants the same thing as you- a relationship. Then start to hang out more often and learn more about each other. The most fantastic relationships have evolved from good friendships.  

  2. I have tied that and in the end it didnt work too well we ended up breaking up and now not talkign at all bearly wever

  3. dude avoid these feelings

    these feelings you're experiencing is lust

    pure lust

    is lust the only reason why you remained friends with this person?

    hoping one day this friend of yours will feel the same way you do

    its a lost cause

    been there done that

    keep the friendship and lose the lustship

  4. make sure you both want it. if guy likes girl but girl is like "what? were friends? why would i DATE you when we just hang out and talk usually?" then its not gonna work.

    if you BOTH like each other, then it will work great b/c you already know each other and obviously get along, but you'll have the added perks of a loving relationship.

    good luck!

  5. i tried that and it didnt work out.

  6. the only thing thats higher than a friendship is a relationship so get her in a quiet place and tell her that you like her more than a friend and if you want your feelings for her and if she feels the same way then you have yourself a girlfriend

  7. yea if you have this "amazing" friendship with someone i dnt think you should try and make it into a relationship...........those usually dnt work out.

    you usually end up breaking up and never talking to that person again.

    just think of the great friendship you may be jeopardizing

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