
French help!!! (10 Points best answer!!!!)?

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I just need a short paragraph about going to the zoo including two different animals, I know three right now!! (camel=chameau, and tortoise=tortue), i need to include who I went with, which would be my mom, and my age which was four!!!

I would really appreciate it!!!




  1. Aw, come on. Do your own homework. Feel free to use Yahoo's babelfish translator to look up some words.

  2. Quand j’avais quatre ans, j’ai allé au zoo avec ma mère. J’étais très content parce que j’ai voulu y aller. Tous les animal, je les aime. Il y avais un lion et deux chameau, mais l’éléphant, c’étais mon animal préféré. Dans la boutique de gifts, ma mère m’acheté un éléphant qui j’ai avec moi à ce jour.

  3. Would your teacher be happy (heureux) if he knows you go to YA?

  4. I'll give you some basic vocab to help you get started, but you really need to so your own work! =]


    Tiger - Le Tigre

    Lion - Le Lion

    Shark - Le Requin

    Hippo - L'Hippopotame

    Zebra - Le Zebre


    Mother - La Mere

    Father - Le Pere

    Brother - Le Frere

    Sister - La Soeur

    Age Terms:

    To Be ___ Years Old - Avoir ___ Ans

    Age - Age

    Young - Jeune

    Helpful Verbs:

    To Go - Aller

    To Stay - Rester

    To See - Voir

    To Like - Aimer

    To Be - Etre

    To Want - Vouloir

    To Fear - Craindre

    Good luck!  Et que la chance te favorise !!

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