
French or italian?!!?!?

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which one is easier to learn? i think i want to get out of french and take italian because my teacher doesn't even speak english she says something in italian and I'm like "speak english!!"




  1. French. Italian is actually very very similar to French, but the grammar is a little more complex (the subjunctive will drive you crazy). Furthermore, Italian is not a useful language,as it is only spoken in Itlay...not even ALL Italy. In the northern part of Italy, people speak Ladin (yes, with a D) or German. French is spoken in France, Luxembourg, Belgium, witzerland (part of) , Canada, Africa (in the French colonies) ... it gives you better chances !

  2. I would say to take Italian.  My sister took French while I took Spanish, and it looked much more difficult. It seems easier to pronounce Italian words than French words.  French, Spanish, Italian, and Portuguese are all Latin based languages.  So learning one, will make it easier to learn any of the other 3.  

  3. I think they are about equally easy to learn. French pronunciation presents a little more challenge to the English speaker.

    But once you learn either one of them, learning the other is a cinch.

    Do you think you'll learn either language by listening to the teacher speak English?

  4. i am currently taking French at my school and it is a little harder once you get into the more difficult pronunciations. the French language is very gudderal, meaning you have to use your throat to correctly pronounce it.

    If i had the chance to take Italian at my school i probably would have taken the chance but unfortunately we only have Spanish, French, German, and Latin. Seeing as though you have the chance, i would take it.

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