
Freshman in high school?

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I'm going to be a freshmen this upcoming school year, and everyone says 'wow, thats going to suck' and 'try not to get killed!' and stuff like that, and now my confidence level has dropped so far down, that I'm afraid to even go.

My parents say 'Its just a myth that freshmen get bullied' and stuff..but, I'm not beleivin' it.

Whats the truth?




  1. freshmen don't have it that bad, but there will be times when upperclassmen will prove their power by belittling you. but all'n' all it's fun!

  2. Whatever!!! My first day of high school was today and it was great! I'm a freshman too! Just don't ask the upper classmen where classes are or anything lol because they'll most likely tell you the wrong thing. Just ask a teacher if you have any questions. Even though I've only been to high school for one day, it was really great. And if ya don't wanna get beat up, just think before you say things. Or try not to do anything that will get you beat up. Hope this helped and have fun! =)

  3. lol dont even worry dude its just a myth

  4. I was a freshman last year and all that happened was that some sophomores would walk by and say stupid freshmen to us, but that was all. I never got shoved into a locker or anything bad.

    Don't sweat it... you'll be fine

  5. They get bullied but not that bad

    I mean, just think, look at all the sophmores,juniors,and seniors.

    They are all there, alive & not emotionally hurt.

    you will live.  

  6. ur parents are right

  7. Freshman do not get bulied!! im going to be a freshman in a few weeks!

    I have actually heard the seniors start hitting on the freshman(like likeing them) but thats at my school. just stay out of their way and you will be ok, and no one gets trash caned or anything, just be your self and you will do great!

  8. Freshman don't get harassed that bad. Usually, they are on the giving end of harassment. (for example, you will not get shoved into a locker...even if you can fit, which most people cant).

    I am going to be a sophomore next year, and the single piece of advice I will give you is to not affiliate with the wrong people. Get some friends that will respect you and treat you right. I ate lunch with the freshman "losers," so to speak, and they made my life a living h**l for the first half of the year. So I then sat with the intellectuals (aka my fellow band nerds) and they welcome me with open arms. Your social circle can help you greatly, but it can also give you a hard time if it consists of the wrong people. Remember the two rule of high school- it's not what you know, it's WHO you know.

    Another vital thing, if you DO get bullied/harassed, DO NOT TOLERATE IT!!! Report the person to an administrator. I kept quiet when I was harassed for a long time, and now that I am respected, it makes me wonder why I didn't nip it in the bud sooner than I did.

    Your freshman year isn't all bad. Sure, some of your colleagues will be immature idiots- that happens with every class. But you don't have to be. Work hard, play safe, and gain the respect of those around you.

    Good Luck!

    And try not to get killed! lol

  9. try to get a map before the first day of school. know where the wings are [english wing, math hallway...ect.]

    if you get the list of class rooms then map out where you are going :) so you'll know the best routes to take.

    buy your basic school supplies beforehand [a binder, folder, notebook/paper,pens,pencils,backpack] before hand that way all you'll have to buy after the first day is the necessities for each class.

    don't worry about being harassed by upperclassman on the first day. i was a freshman last year and nothing happened to me OR anyone i knew.

    just remember: you were in middle school at one time with the juniors and sophmores (when you were in 6th grade!) and the seniors really keep to themselves. dont be nervous-highschool is a time to have fun and be with your friends!

    [[there's a really good book called: SLEEPING FRESHMAN NEVER LIE by david lubar]]  try it. its good :)

  10. OMG that bull c**p.

    freshmen dnt get bullied

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