
Freshman runningback?

by  |  earlier

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Hey guys, im goin to highschool next year and i want to play a running back on the football team. I played football for 6 years and played running back 4 of those years. I currently weigh 125 pounds. my height is 5 "6" . I bench 135. My 40 yard dash time is around 5.2 but i have no flexibiliy what so ever (cant even touch my toes without bending my knees.) Tell me what i need to work on and how i could increase my 40 yard dash time and how to increase my flexibility. thank you




  1. join the wrestling team 2

  2. umm u should defiantly ask this in the football section, but you should get stronger too if you ask me. Im a skinny runner an i can bench 150 without seirously working out so you might want to get stronger. I see a reicever on my highschools football team that completely sucks but he benches 200+ pounds easily. so Dont expect to be varsity unless your like barry sanders and people just cant touch you with your jukes and c**p
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