
Freshman year...electives??

by  |  earlier

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I put down Law as my major but over the summer I changed my mind about that. I mean i'm intrested in law, yeah, but thats not what i want to major in. i dont even know what i want to major in. anyway, i told my civics teachers because thats the elective i got, and she said its hard to switch it.[i wanna take spanish] im gunna try anyway but will law benefit me in any way in the long run..or i should srsly get out?




  1. Sometimes during freshman year it's hard to decide what you really want. A lot of friends and fellow classmates of mine are undecided and I was until my second year in college.

    You can always minor in Law and major in a language. Maybe you can go into Law with translating as a background, who knows? You can take your time! :)

  2. i would take it just in case u change ur mind and actually wana major in law.

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