
Friday Night Promo....?

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is it me or everybody brought their A game on the mic on SD! this friday ( except for Vickie but hey we cant ask her too much can we) Maryse impressed me backstage, her french accent is lovely, Undertaker Kept it clear and simple " I ..want..your..soul" Big show how can you be mad at him we says sorry with such a cute smile, Jeff hardy had some rage in his voice And The Best Of all Brian Kendrick no no "THE" Brian Kendrick. He was simply brilliant, smart, cocky, calm.. which brings me to my questions.

1.Most people said Kendrick wasn't ready to main event a PPV, But this promo did the job for now i wanna see him in Championship Scramble did it do the same to you?

2. Do you think promos are use right now these days? to me it seems like alot wrestlers promos are pointless




  1. 1) I've always liked Kendrick and always thought he would make it as a main eventer, with his WWE Championship scramble push, he could become a great superstar on SD!

    2) Alot of things these days in WWE are pointless.

  2. 1. I think this made Kendrick look less like a swaggering goof, and more like a serious competitor with his head in the right place.  Even with the initial gimmick change, even with the heel promos before every match, Brian still had that glint of the funny, happy-go-lucky, non-threatening goofball in him.  This promo made him look less like a loud mouth midcarder, and more like a calculating and determined superstar.  Now, does that mean that he's going into the Scramble and dominating?  Not in the least.  In fact, I'd be just as happy if he entered third and hid around ringside behind Zeke half the night, but inevitably,someones getting their hands on THE Brian Kendrick.

    2. I think there's been a lot lost in the art of promo's in the past 10 years.  One major thing that irks me about WWE's promos is that they're not impromptu, they don't showcase a superstar's charisma.  It's essentially handing anybody a mic and telling them what to say, and that really seems like a big crutch, and somewhat of an advantage for anyone who sucks up enough to get push.  The rule should be that if you make it to the main event, you get to go out there and earn your air time.  If you can't cut a decent promo without Johnny Ace or Stephanie McMahon scribbling something down on your hand, you don't need to be out there, plain and simple.  I'll admit that there are a few fluff promos, but it's been like that for a long time.  If you want to insert some comedy or entertainment into the show for no apparent reason, fine by me, but superstars should have to stand on their own two feet when it comes to what to say, what to do, and how to react to someone else on the mic and in front of the camera.  Some of the most memorable moments in wrestling history weren't written in the back hours before going on air, and if things continue to go down this path, we wont have many memorable promos or segments in the business.

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