
Friday/Sunday Wedding??

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How common is it for people to have a Friday or a Sunday wedding/reception? I am finding that most places are ALOT cheaper to rent on a weekday or a Sunday than on a Saturday... And we are on a VERY tight budget. What are the pros and cons to having a Friday or a Sunday wedding?




  1. I am getting married September 12th which falls on a Friday! We decided to get married on a Friday because we are going to a local cabin location for our honeymoon and it gives us extra time before my fiance has to go back to work. Congrats and good luck!

  2. Sometimes Fridays are hard for people who have to work, but that depends on how late the wedding is...they could always show up at the reception for congrats and stuff.  

    Sundays, I am not sure...

  3. Oh yeah, they are heaps cheaper! I'd go for around a 4pm start on the friday because then it gives everyone the rest of the weekend to recover!  

  4. It is less common to have the event on a Friday or Sunday - but not unhead of.

    The pros to it are that your vendors will likely have better availability and may be less expensive. For a Friday, the con might be:

    You need to start later to allow guests to get home from work, shower,  change whatever. My solution (and a way to save $) is to have the ceremony at 8:00 with cocktail reception to follow and you don't have to serve dinner, just appetizers. It's a little more formal, typically, to have it that way, but it saves money.

    On a Sunday, people don't typically stay for the "party" part of the reception. My soolution for that is to do a mid afternoon (2:00-ish) ceremony with a light lunch to follow and don't even put a lot of energy toward the "party" part as guests just tend to go home early to get ready for the work week. It also helps you save on the bar bill.

  5. Well in 7 weeks I am having my wedding on a Friday night.  For us it was cheaper almost $2 a person.  It might not sound like a lot but when you are on a tight budget from shifting a wedding for one day is going to save me money I am all for it.  No one in the family though it was a big deal, most of the family is local anyway. Also we are having the ceremony at 4 and the reception at 6:30 so for those who are out of town, don't have to find a place to go in between the ceremony and the reception.  A lot of people have weddings on Saturday at 1 or 2 and the reception doesn't start till 6 or 7.  What do out of town people do in between? We thought if someone had to take a day off of a work, it's only one day and it could give them a longer weekend, which translates them to recoop from all the partying one more day.  We also are leaving for our honeymoon on Sunday(which is cheaper to go then then on a Saturday) and it gives us a day in between to settle before we leave.  I hope I helped a little.

    I wouldn't do a Sunday wedding, my cousin did that and it was such a pain in the butt to get up the next morning for work.

  6. If you have lots of guests coming from out of town, I would go for an early Sunday wedding - that way they can fly back late Sunday evening if they have to. Many people can't get off work for the full day on Friday.

    You could have people come in on Saturday and go out and do something fun - go to the park, play mini-golf, catch up on old times, whatever. Then the wedding Sunday, and people who had to could leave after it.

    If most people are in town, then I'd probably go for Friday because there wouldn't be the travel issue. Except for maybe rush hour, which can be terrible in some cities I've lived in.

    I once went to a Friday night wedding at 7 pm. That was a blast!

  7. i've personally never been to one, but i have heard that more people are starting to do this. i think it's totally fine. if you are on a tight budget and it's cheaper this way, then go for it!

    my only advice is that if you do a friday one, make sure it is late enough in the evening so your guests don't have to take time off from work.

  8. I've been to a Friday wedding before. It's a great way to kick off the weekend, but I know it was difficult for people to take off work, especially those who have to travel (Think rush hour on a Friday). Just take that into consideration!  

  9. Just do it and don't worry about it.  

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