
Friend drama. pleease help?

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my group of friends have always had drama, but were going into 8th grade now and i dont wanna ruin it.

i love everyone in the group, cept for this one girl who loves to takj trash about everyone. lets call her .... mango. but a lot of people are too afraid to stand upp to her. i have a best friend in a different group, and i might hang out with them instead next year. but i will REALLY miss everyone in my old group. (mostly) so i dont really wanna go. but everyday is a big pile of drama, and most of the time, half of the group sides with mango cuhs they are scared.

should i stay or shohuld i go?




  1. You should just hang with people who you can relate with somehow and who you like being with.

  2. only thing i could say is every one changes but   if you know who your friends are then really nothing going to changed with your real friends .if it does they were never your friend just because you hang out with another group.

  3. I think you should go and hang out with people you enjoy.

    So if you do stay with your other group stand up to mango and tell her what you think because no matter what you still are going to have a other friend who likes you. Then if your other group makes fun of you for standing up to her or the your other friend your hanging out with they arent good friends anyway..

  4. Hi, You should go where you will be happiest!

    Which I am guessing would be with your best friend.

    Seriously, who needs all that drama...You have enough other stuff to think about anyway, like getting an education, and having some fun too.

    What if you introduced some of the peeps from your old group to your best friend's group?

    What if "Mango" ends up alone? That might just change her outlook!


    Anyway, Best Wishes to You!

    Good Luck with 8th grade!

  5. that is a lot of drama. maybe one of you could spread a rumour about mango so she gets what she deserves.

    one of you has to stand up to her and tell her how ya'll feel. you cant live like that forever. you gotta just tell her to stop all this c**p and start being a real friend or you wont hang out with her anymore.

    good luck!

  6. If the group that your are currently with is having problems, or is causing problems for you, I suggest you get out. What;s the point of staying in a group with drama everyday? You want to go through the school year happily, and you can't do that if you are hanging out with people you don't enjoy. Good luck!! :)

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