
Friend issues please help me!?

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Alright i have known this girl named Samantha she is 14 i am 15. We have known each other since i was 5 and she was 4. So we have gotten into alot of fights when we were younger and my mom didn't like that at all! So 3 or 4 weeks ago we got into a fight. We were about to walk to 7-eleven to get a snack and so my parents are really over-protective and so i asked my mom if we could go and she said yea so then i asked my dad and he said no so we listened to my mom and we went and so then my dad was giving my dog a bath and our dog is a little terrier and she has big dogs. She made a rude comment saying "that dog is so ugly" and on and on. So then we came back and we went on myspace because this girl who was her friend was randomly sending me myspace letters saying how ugly i was and as always she didn't believe me so i proved her wrong. a couple weeks ago there was a fire and so she knew the victim because she was the class valedictorian and so she got killed and so she kept her myspace and so samantha looked on her page and saw the picture caption saying "i should just go burn myself right" and so i told my cousin and she said something rude saying "she probably killed herself" so i told samantha and she got so offended. I kept telling her i was so sorry for my cousins actions and she was smack talking me saying stuff about my family and it was a saturday and we go to church on sunday morning at 6:00am and it was like 9:00pm and we were in the front yard and i tried to apologize to her and she was like talking and my dad called my sister and i in and she thought that my dad didnt want me talking to her and she got pissed. i have no idea what to do i wanna win her friendship back but i dont think i can!




  1. get a grip on yourself!! shes not a good friend and u know it!! true friends would NEVER say stuff like that. if i were u, u either get new friends or straighten her up.  

  2. Oh boy.Well you have to go get her and sit somewhere where you two can talk alone.Just tell her sorry and you wish things could be different but lets work on here and now.Also big thing is less talk more listening.i can't stress this enough.So much happens when teens talk and say something they should have kept to themselves or a secret they should have not let out.It is better to listen and let it all out in a journal then to spill someones secrets and they blow up in your face.You sound like a caring friend,but let your ears work a little more and you will see how much people actually say.  

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