
Friend lying shes a virgin?

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my friend is not a virgin and she told her boyfriend she is... i feel really bad for him because hes a really sweet guy, like he does every thing for her, and shes my best friend so i dont want to say anything to him. ive been friends with her for 5 years and him too. they started going out a year ago and he thinks she lost her virginity to him. do u think i should tell him that shes not... i dont want to ruin things between him and me and her and me. They love each other alot i can tell but it just feels un comfortable. should i tell her to tell him the truth or just let it be???




  1. the thing is...

    if your christian... some christians believe you can become virgin again...

    i dont... if it happens... it happens theres no going back

    but if lets say she bad a bf awhile ago...

    she had s*x with him once...

    and then regretted it... i could see how she would block it out of her memory and want to start over.. i dont agree with that by any means

    but... i could see that happening...

    or maybe she lied to you about having s*x before... my friend lied about it... at least im sure she did because we had a group of four friends...

    well shes never had a bf... and shes really over weight... the rest of us are pretty thin and we've all had bfs...

    we always talk about them and she felt left out

    one day she randomly mentioned it then said she didnt mean to...

    i asked who he was and she said he went to the other HS here so i wouldnt know him...

    a couple weeks later... i asked again... she said he lived 3 hours away... then she stumbled and said... he went to the other HS when he lived here at the time... but he moved

    she said she regrets it and what not... but i think its just so she doesnt feel left out

    maybe she felt left out with some of her friends and said she did but didnt...

    i have no idea

    but you should talk to her about it and tell her if she did have s*x before... she needs to tell him because thats def not a secret to keep

  2. With the hangups so many people have about virginity I can understand why someone would lie about it. I dont understand why you would call yourself her friend, and then ask if its OK to try to ruin her relationship.  

  3. honestly its best if he hears it from her. talk to her and tell her that if he finds out from someone else it could change his views on her so its best that it comes from her. i know not all girls bleed when they lose their virginity (most do) but i certainly did, if she didnt then thats a clue for him aswell. if he asks why she lied tell her to say its because she liked him alot and she was scared that he wouldnt like her if she told him the truth. if you do it, your breaking up aot of friendships and interfering unecessarily

  4. Why would you think something that personal between two people would have anything to do with you. I wouldn't say anything to him. It is between them two its not like she cheated on him then i would agree you should tell him.

  5. Tell her to tell him herself because you mention they love each other alot the guy will forgive .  

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