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okay i got three best friends and of course other friends and one of my best friends can be nice but sometimes shes really mean she can hold some grudges and makes jokes like i know that shes kidding but it still hurts i told her to stop because it hurts and she just laughed i love her like a sister and i want to be friends with her but the jabs are getting bad and i need her SHE IS MY BEST FRIEND so please help





  1. yea i was in the same situation

    like my friend made me cry a few times!

    It's just that she doesn't know that she is actually hurting you and that shes taking her jokes too far.

    it'll pass though. She will stop on her own, or eventually you could just do it back, it is actually quite funny once you let it be

  2. I don't know how old you are but let me start by saying that if she were your best friend, then she wouldn't do or say things that hurt your feelings. If you have already told her that she's hurting you, and she continues, then maybe you need to find another friend. In this life, you need to be surrounded with the right people. Positive people. Life is already hard without your 'friends' upsetting you. Leave that to the people that you consider enemies!

  3. Try to ask her why she is like that.  Some girls do tend to be like that and personally, it's a HUGE turn off for me.

    Answer my question:;...

  4. You don't need her or anybody that would make mean jokes.  She is only half joking when she makes these remarks, and she laughs when it hurts you b/c she secretly gets a kick out of it.  She probably knows that you "need" her friendship, and she is taking advantage of you. I would start ignoring her and start talking to other people.  When she sees that you don't "need" her and won't put up with this rude behavior, then she will most likely quit it and try to tone down her rude remarks.

  5. A "joke" isn't that if it hurts someone.  I'd get another friend.  

  6. tell her to get a punching bag, she's using you

    repeat if necessary, but stand up for  yourself,

    girlfriend or not

  7. pray about it. God can solve anything

  8. this is what you would call tough love

    you need to cut communications between the two of you, until she understands that it isn't appreciated,

    if the jabs are hurting more and more I would assume it is about something specific, if so explain to her that if she can't stop make fun about something then you don't want to be around her

    either she'll change or she won't, if she doesn't. then you'll have to grow some thicker skin or find a new BFF

    If you don't tell her about it, in a serious manner then nothing will change.
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