
Friend problem.....?

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okay i had two friends "Brooke" and "Rachel" Brooke was my best friend since pre-k. Rachel didnt like me that well and she was Brooke's 1st cousin.she could convince her to do anything.well Brooke is 13 and has a 16yr old boyfriend. i had no problem w/ that because it really wasn't any of my business. well thru the summer i was enjoying myself and really hadnt kept in touch like i should have. and Rachel was convincing Brooke that i was starting rumors about her boyfriend. when i didnt say squat.Rachel didnt like me much Brooke believed her and said she didn't want anything to do with me anymore.well a couple days later the boyfriend calls me and tells me that they broke up like i actually cared. well we talked for a long time and became friends sorta. well school has started and me and Brookes last names start with the same letter so we ended up smack down beside of each other. she hates me even more now that im friends w/ her ex and i dont know how im gonna get thru this school year.





  1. um........... wow

  2. Well, it is probably hard for Brooke. I mean, torn between your BFF and your own cousin??? Wow. Write Brooke a letter saying you said nothing about her boyfriend. Also, tell her that you would NEVER steal her ex. Ever, Because your her best friend. You just have gotton to be friends with him...NOTHING more. Also go up to Rachel and talk to her about this. Ask, "Why would you say I said that stuff? If you have a probem with me, let me know." Don't be afraid to tell her just how uncool and rude that was!!

    Another thing you could do is get her ex to tell her. If he doesn't believe that stuff you said about him (I'm assuming, because your friends now), AND you know you didn't either, then that is two to one-you and the ex to Rachel. If your friend doesn't believe you OR her ex, then she wasn't a true friend to you OR a gf to her ex bf.

    So if you never end up being friends with Brooke again, find some new, nice girls at your tables. If you don't want BRAND new friends, ask if you can sit with one of your not-as-close friends and ask to sit with his/her crew. It will be hard at first, meeting new people and all. But soon, you'll find a good friend who believes you AND is by your side at all times.

    Hope I helped. And good luck ;)

  3. If she really was ever your best friend then she would have believed you-no matter who it was that told her that. I'm sure you really are a great friend so just ignore her, as long as you dont get involved with her in any way then you should be fine. Dont let anything she does get to you :) hope this helps..

  4. try to reconcile if that doesn't work then forget it, teachers only put students in alphabetical order because it's easier for them to remember names. trust me you won't be in those seats for the rest of the year. but if you're having a really big problem with brooke in your class go talk to your counselor and see if you can change classes.  
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