
Friends a vegetarian!!!?

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hi my friends a vegetarian and she doesn't at meat but she says she can eat seafood and dairy products and stuff like that leave me a comment seeing if that is right or wrong and also a list of foods she can eat thx!!!




  1. eating meat means eating something that is killed. seafood is not eaten by vegetarians! she is not a vegetarian.  

  2. yes all vegetarians can eat dairy products, its vegan that don't eat dairy products. but, vegetarians do not eat seafood and fish, so if she eats seafood, she is not a vegetarian, she is a pescatarian (selling?)

  3. Vegetarians do not eat animals or by products of their slaughter.

    Fish, shrimp and clams are animals. If someone eats them, they are not vegetarian.

    A strict vegetarian does not eat dairy or eggs but lacto-ovo-vegetarians do.

  4. ure friends tecnically not a vegetarian so she can eat any like seafood and cake and stuff it shudnt be rocket science lol

  5. vegetarian-dont eat meat.

    vegan-doesnt eat meat or any dairy products.

  6. no shes not a vegetarian.  vegetarians dont eat any animal.  therefore they dont eat seafood.  they can drink milk and eat honey and confectioners glaze as those are things that come from animals, but are not dead animals. vegans dont eat any animals products and therefore dont eat things like honey, etc or anything that was produced by an animal.

    to G- cheese requires enzymes to be used in the production of it for it to curdle and become cheese. these can be animal enzymes from the fourth stomach of calves, which is called rennet, or microbial or vegetable enzymes, vegetarians cannot eat cheese made with rennet, but can eat cheese made with other types of non animal enzymes.

  7. Your friend is a pescatarian, not a vegetarian. Vegetarians don't eat meat, and seafood is meat! She can eat anything except meat including seafood, and anything with gelatin (certain candies, gums, jello, etc)

  8. no if she eats seafood she is NOT a vegetarian,

    she can eat whatever she wants, generally speaking vegetarians don't eat any gelitan products, meat, or meat flavored products,

    since your friend isnt vegetarian i cant tell you if that applies to her.

  9. She is a pesceterian, not a vegetarian.

  10. If she eats fish, she's not a vegetarian, but most vegetarians still consume dairy.

  11. That's completely fine.

    She can eat nuts and berries.

    She should be a hunter gatherer.

  12. Sweetie, technically your friend is a pescatarian, but some people use the words vegetarian and pescatarian together, I wouldn't ague with her about it.

    Pescatarians don't believe in eating land animals, but she probably still eats eggs and dairy products.  

  13. Seafood is meat so she can't eat that if she wants to become a vegetarian.. Cheese can be eaten I believe. Though my cousin is a vegetarian and won't eat cheese because she says the wax used is from sheep intestine or something like that.

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