
Friends........any ideas????

by  |  earlier

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actually i always get scared of my exams even i'm well prepared.....

do u have any stay in normal condition,during exams?




  1. Exercise with as many old question papers as you can do.

  2. this happens on fear, hopeless and tension, be casual dont be tension you will be ok.

  3. Always think you can do everything. No exams are important in life.

  4. Just remember ...  its not going to change your life. Just breath deeply and smile.

  5. Breathe deeply, if you are allowed to bring a water bottle, and eat a peppermint before the exam, it will stimulate brain activity and calm you down a bit.

  6. Do not get tensed at all. have a good breath before writing the exam.

    feel yourself sitting in the bank of a river and never think that you forgot the answers.

    have a well disciplined daily routine and stay relaxed.

  7. Breathe deeply and know that you are prepared.

  8. d**n Exams---Most boring days in my school history.

    keep cool, just before entering exam hall dont do reading, instead just be calm, think abt good time. when u get Question first have a overall look, than just say i can do it in your mind. and start to Rock.i guess u got good wirting habbits.i was bit slow.if not practise it during your study time.

    & best for luck poo for your exams

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