
Front tooth implant...

by  |  earlier

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My front tooth is an implant & my son just head butted lip is bleeding...should I get an x-ray to make sue my tooth is ok?




  1. Happened to me. I have dental implants and a baby head butted me. My prosthodontist asked me if my gums were pink and did I hurt. I told him no. He said, then your probably ok. The implant has to bond with the bone or it will fall out.

    How long was it that you got your implant?

  2. If it doesn't move it's probably ok. If it is loose there's really nothing they will be able to do except remove it and start over.

    If you had it 10 years it was definetly bonded to the bone.

    Just give it some time and see if everything is ok.

  3. implants are very strongly fussed to the bone. If the implanted tooth is loose you should get an x-ray. If your tooth is solid then you do not have to worry about it because that tooth is glued to the titanium s***w and if its not loose it means that the titanium tube they fussed to your bone is not loose,  

  4. Hello, Implants are bonded to the bone and it takes a great deal of force to loosen them, the same as a natural tooth...Just like an natural tooth, they can get bumped to the point that they bleed or may even get slightly loose...they, like the natural tooth can also tighten back up...Do not eat anything that requires you to bite on the implant for at least a week to ten days....If at that time the tooth feels even slightly loose you need to see your DDS and have it Xrayed to determine if more substantial damage was done...Chances are, you will be just fine.Good luck and I wish you well.
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