
Frowned upon for men to cry..?

by  |  earlier

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So my girlfriend and I broke up and it didnt really hit me till i started going to bed. We shared a bed so it was kinda lonely so id turn over to my left and would jsut thinking of stuff like how wed mess around and wrestle on the carpet so id turn to my right and see the crack she used to fall off the bed into and just kept thinking of stuff still eventually I broke..




  1. The idea that men shouldn't cry is a lot of baloney (wanted to use harsher language, but I think that might be a no-no here).  It's not like being male means you have no feelings.

    However, I will say that a lot of people WILL feel that crying shows that you're weak, not in control of your emotions, etc.  But remember that a lot of people are simple-minded.

    Sorry to hear you're feeling bad.  I've never had a girlfriend (I don't date because I have hangups about my looks), but I can imagine how it hurts.

  2. Men's ok.  Let it out.  You're going through something that's tough for you right now...crying comes with that kind of emotion sometimes.  Besides, it's better than bottling it up and refusing to deal with it.  If  you don't deal with it sometimes you can't move on and it might make things worse later on.

  3. It's frowned up for men to cry in public. In private, let it gush if you must, get it out, and then compose yourself.

    Men can cry for a good enough reason. It's the guys who cry over nothing that deserve c**p.  

  4. I don't know who's doing the frowning, but why shouldn't a man be able to cry? They have the same emotions as women do. I believe that the idea begins in childhood when boys are hurt or in physical pain, they are told, "big boys don't cry" by a parent, teacher, coach, or other authority figure. Many boys grow up believing this and when they reach adulthood, they still believe it. It is absolutely ridiculous to teach a boy to suppress their feelings - in whatever situation they are in. Whoever started this idiocy in the first place, deserves a good ***-kicking!

    Daniel, if you hurt about losing your girlfriend, just let out your emotions. If you need to cry, do so. You will feel better once the pain eventually goes away. It won't make you any less of a man at all.  

  5. i think the majority of females like a guy who can cry. it shows your only human and you care about things. i prefer a guy who can cry to one who doesnt let his emotions show and speaks in a blank way and has a permanent poker face lol!

    But then again I think all the men who think theyre hard might hold it against you if you cry. But who cares. I think that due to what has just happened in your life, you had an amazing relationship with your girlfriend and you still care about her loads, you should be allowed to cry!

    let it out and dont care about other emotionless people think! :)

    hope I helped :D

  6. Men can definitely cry. It shows that they are real and mortal.

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