
Frustrated plz answer!!!! =)

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ok....i am due for my period...last week i had some cramping for a couple days..but nothing for the last 2 days i have had cramping, and very, very light pink spotting off and on...nothing consitant...and this morning i had diarrhea ( sorry TMI i know! ) what do you think??? could i be pregnant?? could this be it!!??




  1. The crappy thing I have learned about pregnancy and knowing if you are pregnant is that until you actually take a pregnancy test and it shows positive, you have NO real idea if you are pregnant or not.  I have thought for sure on some months I was pregnant because of cramps, light pink spotting, and then my period crashed the party.  Unless you are charting your basal body temperature and it shows a clear day you ovulated, your period can be early, late, or weird even if it NEVER has done that before.  If you think you are due, say, today for your period.  Wait until tomorrow, buy a Wal-Mart cheapie pregnancy test( these are fine) and take the test and don't freak out too much about things until you know for sure.  If it is negative, go about your business for another week, and if you still haven't had your period, take another one.  If it comes up negative then, you probably aren't pregnant.  I have had my period on the exact day each month for the last 15 years and a couple months ago, I was thirteen days late- I wasn't pregnant.  New things can always happen.  It's not worth worrying about until you know :)  Last month I actually spotted for 14 days straight which had never happened.  Again, not pregnant.  Oh, and you usually are constipated with pregnancy, not having diarrhea.

    Hope that helps!  Good luck!

  2. you could be pregnant as i had cramping days before my period was due, and the spotting could be implantation bleeding. i would take a test in a day or 2 with your 1st morning urine, good luck  

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